
And most wives are also more rewarding too....

I had one of these for years in my toolbox. Forgot what is was for! THANKS!

Why am I in a grey zone for years? I have disagreed about anti-trump politics in the past, but that’s about it. (I am not pro-trump, I am just anti politics on car blog in general :))

When you monthly repair bills trump the new lease or finance payment AND car is falling apart and driving is sucks because everything rattles and breaks, you will reconsider.

“4) Goggles fog. I hate it. It’s 2019, can someone make a pair of cheap goggles with a battery operated built in vent fan for crissakes!? I know you can spend $100 on a pair of fan vented tactical goggles, but...”

The problem with taking kids away from parents it also wrecks their life... I say 10 whips for parents like in Singapore... that’s a good and direct measure to the exact guilty party.

One thing I learned by owning a Mitsubishi. They will come up with some sort of genius, best in the industry solution to one or more problems, but will fail to market it and will fail to continue upgrading it.

1. Why is Tacoma RWD?

One should try not to run over jaywalkers not because they will go to jail, but because they are a decent human being and might kill another human being.

I can think of only one - raping the rapist just to show them how it feels.

Who gives a crap? Company is making changes needed to improve profits and expand. I don’t see anyone else on the list of beneficiaries. Tesla is doing it right by adjusting to market.

Why? Are you afraid of microwaves and against vaccinations as well?

Eh, erase all that. Victim as crossing in a wrong spot at night. Thee is no more explanation needed. If people driving 3000 pound hunks of metal have to watch out for someone crossing in not a designated spots and be criminally liable, it’s bad for both, drivers because they go to jail for things they couldn’t change,

Would it run run for more than 60 minutes?

I am a Canadian. I read this and I am proud for us. Go Canada!

NO! You only get an electric you can’t afford!

I drove at 150 mph a couple times, but I did it in a deserted area and with 100% visibility for miles. To make changes like there needs to be a study where the conclusion is that speeding over 112 MPH is what causes death on the roads. Sounds like breathalyzers in every car would be a better measure.

I believe that you can have a 30 year old civic and be cooler than a person with brand new Ferarri. To me the true car enthusiast and skill is maintaining your vehicle in best condition and cleanness and looks sharp, even more so with old cars, than to own a fancy car. This car is not passing the test. He trashed the

F*cking thanks!

It depends where you rent and what. 1 BR apartment in downtown Vancouverin say luxorious trump Tower can go up to $5500 a month.