Problem is the cost is much higher with glass- it’s heavier to transport, etc.
Problem is the cost is much higher with glass- it’s heavier to transport, etc.
And gets warm quickly because the fact that’s it feels(it’s not actually colder than a plastic bottle) colder, is because metal sucks heat from your hands quicker than plastic. That’s how we feel temperature. Same temperature metal and wood feel different to us because of the different rate at which temperature…
Don’t worry, I am most likely far away from you, but there is 10 times more drivers with properly adjusted mirrors around you who might be even more dangerous than me.
I will be honest with you, at this point I am just exploring how far you are willing to go to win an argument on the Internet.
Here is my addition to the view presented in the article:
Then you let the “truth” be his/hers. If it’s that not important to you, let them win. I don’t go for wins unless it’s actually harming me. But also, after a few times, partners realize that they have had it their way too many times and seek to give back, at leas tin my experience.
But often you will be on the receiving side. Your partner would have an issue they want to bring up and you don’t give much though of it, they on the other side have an issue they are seeking to resolve with you. Ability to assume that other person is hurt by the said issue even though for you it’s a non-issue is…
I wonder how many people will stop self indulging after reading this article? I assume since numbers are high, some freaks indeed will take “an oath” in hope of serving justice on the “privacy offender”, most though will just fap along.
That leaves me with 2 stories a day that are mostly boring...
Changing adapter is not that hard... it’s electricity we are talking about here - it flows though anything really.
Eh, what if I offered you $600 a month in savings and convenience of just leaving your garage with 100% battery every morning except some rare occasions? Also instant power and fancy tech... would that work? $600 digit is what works for me at the moment where I live adn with the amount and specifics of what and how I…
How does one make it on the flight with a human heart?
1. If you are going to bring exact science to this, please start using that said science, geometry, correctly and account for C-pillars. In that case your way will have blind spots, mine wouldn’t.
Same in Canada. Shoulder check is mandatory.
OR, you can have no blind spots at all at all times if you just allow a bit of overlap and the rest can be covered with a simple swivel of your head. Which is what I do. I also tried the “right way” yesterday while driving again... and hated it again. But I realized that the reason I have overlap AND don’t have issues…
It’s all cool and all until we start looking at modern vehicles with small rear windows and massive c-pillars, and those blind spots are not as small as you think they are. The “poor” adjustment works best for me. I tried both... so it does work for most of the great drivers I know.
Nah, for most insult should have done 11.5 tires.
You are kind of a person who shops for cars based on the price vs value of things that don’t matter. I on the other side prefer to shop base don smiles per gallon. A simple stick is cheap, but it gives way to things like LSD and high end Michelin tires.
You do realize one doesn’t just simply enter a conversation and sound smart without understanding the context? I welcome you to read a bit more about what we are talking about before you begin acting all smart here.