Can we also just say giant, loving kudos to his mom/parents for NOT altering his body when he was a baby? ♥ It's probably a big reason why he seems to have a pretty healthy outlook and acceptance/celebration of himself.
Hey, if you want to wear shoes made out of dead cow skins it's all good.
Can some one please explain to me, why on Earth would you want to wear plastic shoes on a daily basis or at all?????
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
Hell yes I do.
Meh, you get over it with practice. Having a partner who will laugh with you, and not at you, when you're really bad at it helps, too.
Cosmo Sex Tip #45790: When a boy sends you a picture of his penis, send him a picture of a bigger penis!
Is it really that strange for two people in a sexual relationship to enjoy sexually explicit texting? I've never really been sure why people even snark on it.
He is worse at being a person than most ducks.
This comment is my boyfriend.
In b4 someone points out that a small minority of greek orgs have done occasional volunteer work and/or donated to charity, therefore the whole greek thing is validated and not simply a cancerous mass growing on the ass of the university system as a way for kids to buy friends as they desperately seek a feeling of…
Ugh, okay, look, to each their own, and the rest of your list is great, but Steven Tyler? Like, the Aerosmith guy?! ARGH! He looks like an old string bean someone soaked in lemon juice and let sit in the Texas sun for a week.
short attention span?
Not to fly my nerd flag or anything...but LOTR is one book, produced as a sequel when The Hobbit sold well. It was split up in order to keep the price down, because at the time there was a paper shortage. While it was supposed to be a direct sequel to The Hobbit it was much darker in its tone and continued the stories…
Because The Hobbit was written for children.
I think it's because they're not written like modern novels. They're dry and academic and have a lot of digressions and mythic stylings, because Tolkien was trying to write a myth rather than a novel.
Great point. I retract my review.