
Actually it wasn’t stupidity. I mean it was stupidity but all on Poe’s part. It’s really not expected for commanding officers to have to answer to their junior officer’s demands for information. Especially a junior officer who’d just been demoted for failing to follow orders that resulted in the rebels losing their

This seems like a weird article because it critiques something that boils down to a choose your own adventure-style movie without ever going into details about the narrative other than calling it “boring”. If you enjoy this product or not doesn’t seem to have much to do with how much you decide and way more with how

I remember playing Primal Fury in the movie theater arcade as a kid. I kept spamming the same teleport move (which also made my character burst into flames and hurt the opponent; it was pretty great). Eventually, the move stopped working and a picture of cheese in a crossed out circle (“No cheese!”) appeared on the

This quote struck me. I’d like to be a reassuring voice that no, you are. This piece is evidence of it. Masterful, and thank you for writing.

Of course she didnt get it , its X-23 not X-11, duh.

Danny Pink, Clara’s love interest in season 8.

I’m just glad someone finally made a good Sonic game!

That would require me to not be freaking out and screaming like a little girl. Probably not gonna happen.

Well, Hyrule Warriors is a Dynasty Warriors game, not a Zelda game.

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.

No, it will not play DVDs or Blu Ray Discs for the simple reason that it does not have a disc slot...

Meh, it’s just a bad photo. I don’t know exactly how they got the picture, but here are my assumptions. There’s a lot of noise in the image, this could be taken straight from film stock, or was shot on a still camera but very shadowy. If the latter, then the brightening process would add considerable noise. It also

Yabba dabba do?

This has to be a first in history of the internet. Good to know that civility is not dead. Cheers!

You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

Polite requests to scientists to suck less haven’t worked thus far tho

Silly man, this is the internet.

No, no, you got your ending a little incorrect. More like: