
Considering games used to come in cardboard boxes, the 3DS cases were fine. What did you do to them that they were a problem?

I just saved when I exited the dungeon because that’s what you should do.

Some of the stand ups that came to my college were free, but they were definitely not folks anyone had heard of.

That’s cool. He’s young though, and he does a lot of political stuff and not a ton of “my life as an adult” stuff.

Most super successful comedians don’t go to colleges, but it’s not because of PC culture (which essentially boils down to caring about others’ feelings), it’s because they’re mostly kids who don’t relate as well to the comedians in their 30s and higher.

I had a bath mat meant to be delivered by usps from amazon. It was being delivered on a day I was home. I was in my living room near the front door when i got the tracking text saying it was delivered. Immediately opened the door to grab the package only to find it wasn’t there. Called the post office and later

You’re even more wrong now. It most certainly does not belong to “The Legend of Zelda” series of games. Know how I know? Because it doesn’t have “Legend of Zelda” in its title.

“Don’t be pedantic” is pretty ironic from Mr “technically it’s a Zelda game because it has Zelda in it”.

Yes. He is correct.

Haha. Barely as powerful as midrange phones. Now it’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about.

The Cita has the same level of graphics? After complaining about Switch’s resolution, you’d think you’d know the Vita outputs at a much lower resolution.

Hillary certainly isn’t perfect but was miles ahead of Trump, and were already seeing why. Anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary helped an evil man rise to power.You can say you disliked Hillary but this stuff is on you. You are partly responsible. 

Personally, I think Marvel could have him show up, Cap could say, “Phil? I thought you died?” Coulson responds with that sort of no-big-deal delivery he has, “I did.” That’s all that needs to be said. It’d be weird and crazy and not unbelievable in the universe. 

You fail to realize that a central point the movie makes is that when you go looking for answers, they’re often not as clear and satisfying as you hope. People created androids just because they could, and it’s suggested that could be all there is to the reason of our existence. It says that often creations want to

And the complaint about no answers misses the point of the movie. The movie explored - wonderfully - the relationship between creator and creation.

Congratulations - you have the same weak arguments against Prometheus that show you formed that opinion from everyone else. The stupid scientists make good story sense. Meanwhile, even 12 year old me could tell Resurrection was garbage.

I can’t take anyone seriously who thinks Alien Resurrection is a better film than Prometheus.

I definitely agree. Personally I love Prometheus, think it’s the second best film in the franchise, and will defend it always.

Personally, I hope Mario Kart is the last typical Mario Kart for a while. I want Switch’s first native MK to be Mario Kart Smash, and fully invest in the crossover characters and tracks. They can still keep classic items, and maybe give each character a special item they can occasionally pick up, but I think this

As far as the real people in Mario, it seems pretty clear that’s a single world in the game and not the style the whole way through.