
“Screw the critics; near absolutely all of them have never made a single film and are no more qualified to give a distinguished opinion of film than you, or I, or robbobert.” That’s just wrong. The professional critics watch many more movies than you or I do, which means they have a greater well of experience to draw

Joker and Harley pulling a Waynes World in a stolen Batmobile would be pretty amazing.

I like everything I’ve seen of this movie except Joker’s visual design. But at the end of the day, if I end up liking everything about it except his design, that’ll be a pretty great movie. Definitely hope this is great.

Super Jesus is normally an apt name for Super Man, but considering his lack of concern about killing, Snyder’s Supes doesn’t come close to earning the Jesus metaphors he tries to evoke in the movie.

you’re basically asking for advanced knowledge of an announcement that hasn’t happened yet while also wanting it to be a surprise for the purpose of “hype”. That makes no sense.

I haven’t seen the movie so I can’t really give a personal opinion. Just passing on what I’d read.

You’re good at dismissing views for no real reason other than they differ from yours, but you’re lousy at conversation and dialogue.

“The majority of critics disagree with my opinion on a movie, therefore they are very bad and I am right.”

I think dismissing the critics viewpoints is ignorant and unnecessarily rude, even if you disagree with them. Many of the negative reviews I’d seen said that they don’t do a good job of introducing you to the lore (an example is Luke being introduced to world-building concepts alongside the viewer in Star Wars), the

If you’ve paid attention to what I’ve actually said, you’d see that I’m not complaining that the game is doing nothing new. I’m complaining that I haven’t seen something new in the footage yet, and hope that when more information comes out, I’ll see whatever I’m looking for. I’m not saying it will be bad; I’m saying

Not sure what that something new would be. I just want to see them do something beyond a throwback that makes it its own. All those things could be fun, but I want something that is uniquely Yooka-Laylee’s. Perhaps when we start getting more in-depth information on the game, I’ll be able to see what makes it special.

I guess “really good level design” is part of what I meant from unique. Everything we’ve seen here mechanics/platforming wise looks borrowed from other games. It’s supposed to be Banjo-inspired, but they’re borrowing from others, like with the mine cart level (how original). I have no problem with traditional

Hah. You talk about innovative and yet I’ve seen your comment more than mine. Most people seem psyched about this game. Heck, I was excited about it initially. I love 3D platformers. I want loads of great ones. But I also want them to be better than the ones I played 20 years ago.

If that’s the only thing you think Mario Galaxy brought to platformers, you either didn’t play it or don’t remember much. Originality comes in the design of the challenges, not just the mechanics. And yet here all we see is regular platforming, mine carts (which weren’t really a part of B-K), and what looks timed

I thought it looked dumb and to be honest I never thought it felt that good compared to Mario 64. It was always a lesser game.

New Super Mario Bros Wii had more originality than what I’m seeing here to be honest.

I’m sorry that hoping to see at least one thing new this game adds to the genre is too much to ask. This game is for gamers who don’t want any new experiences, apparently.

Yeah, but why settle for just more of what we had 20 years ago when there could be a blend of the familiar and the brand new? Maybe the game will surprise me when it comes out, but to me it doesn’t offer anything appealing outside of open 3D environments.

Yeah, actually. Did you not see Horizon Zero Dawn? That game was more than a year away and showed quite a bit of the game. Most game trailers for good, unique games show off what makes it good and unique. This game trailer showed off what made it adequate. Everything in this trailer has been done in Banjo or Mario

Wow. Those character noises when they’re talking are insufferable, and I don’t mind the ones in Zelda.