In A Simple Rhyme

Wow. I guess I’m lucky I never seriously played indoors.

I got a very painful condition known as Jumper’s Knee from playing too much beach volleyball. It sidelined me from any explosive exercise for six months, and still bothers me today - 10 years later.

I’m late on this, but I found “The Grinder” on Tubi - and it’s so funny.

I think this goes in the ‘carries’ category: Ruckin’

Agree, do your pull exercises - but finishing with curls is a great idea. Curls are easy, and they make the glamour muscles pop.

I thought that first photo was Robin Thicke having let himself go.

Maybe the most common pitfall in a relationship is doing the kind of things for your partner that you’d like to be done for you. Sounds like some basic, “Golden Rule” stuff doesn’t it?

Context does matter. People can figure out whether blackface is being used, or satirized. People have got to stop flattening everything.

I treat the Oscars the way I treat the NFL Draft. I’m interested enough to look up what happened the next morning, but I can’t believe people watch the endless telecast.

Just between 30 Rock and Always Sunny, I think the number is 7 or 8 funny as hell episodes pulled from streaming. Way more than 1 or 2.

I’m just a caveman. I don’t understand your modern world.

Cable news is designed to tell their viewers that they are noble and right about everything, and the reason America has problems is “those people” on the other side. It’s not news - it’s “this is how you should feel about the news.”

How am I endangering others, exactly?

By effective I mean, a little better than nothing, and of very marginal value to a fully vaccinated person. N95 seem better, but like you said, most people go cloth.

I have my doubts that masks are very effective.

This Matt Gabriele is a piece of work. His point of view is that the public is too stupid to draw conclusions from an article, so the author should spoon-feed to them how they should feel about everything they’re reading. I hope nobody ever takes that advice, ever.

I don’t have a dog in this here fight.

Really? Gay has to play gay now? Who the actor has sex with has to match who the subject does?

“She’s a transphobe.”