Did you just admit that you don't change your underwear after working out?
Did you just admit that you don't change your underwear after working out?
Can someone point me to the smoking gun that JK Rowling is transphobic? I’ve only ever heard her voice the opinions that: biological sex is a thing, and women should be allowed spaces to change their clothes without seeing a penis.
They also both played Jerry’s girlfriend, each in excellent episodes.
Try the love letter. It probably won’t hurt. Lots of people selling their homes feel a desire to give their neighbors some good new neighbors as a parting gift. Letting the sellers know who you are can be a tiebreaker if the bids are pretty close.
“After reading these accusations of violent rape, I felt like I had to share my story. He smelled me one time. #metoo”
I want one, just one, of these people to tweet: “Hey fuckhead, you really made me look stupid.”
The Strokes and White Stripes. I don’t mean to call the music dated. Just that the look and sound were very original and impactful for the moment.
“Jersey Shore” has two moments that had me gasping. The bums under the pier, and Dee’s braids getting caught in the ride’s gears.
Different strokes and all that but, to me, this kind of comedy not only dares you to like it.....it dares you to endure it.
Normal amount of sharing: Posting “I JUST GOT THE VACCINE!”
Revisiting that Blurred Lines video, it’s easy to see why she broke out. Even in a video with other beautiful models, she just pops with charisma.
Got it, listened is a better word in place of heard.
If people have an exchange of ideas, out in the open, listening to each other and offering opinions - and during all of this, one side makes an ask/demand, and the other side declines....
He probably should have had a town hall meeting, where anyone who had something to say could stand up and say it to his face.
So true!
It is true that this is not a freedom of speech, or a censorship matter.
Folks, I do not have an itchy trigger finger with the dismiss button. Three things will make me press it: an unnecessary insult, completely changing the subject, and dredging up old comments via screenshot.
I love and support the folks who share their thoughts on how Dave’s performance hurts them, disappoints them. To me, that's how the discourse is supposed to work. You say yours, I say mine.
I am a staunch defender of late Seinfeld. I think the insane, live-action-cartoon qualities of those episodes paved the way for shows like 30 Rock and Arrested Development.
I don’t know about eugenics.