Cool! Honestly, every question you may have is answered in that link. Enjoy.
Cool! Honestly, every question you may have is answered in that link. Enjoy.
I wonder if he left on his own terms? It’s interesting that he’ll be separated from his comedy partner (Mooney) for the first time since they were undergrads at USC (FIGHT ON!)
I dismissed Lazerdawg’s replies because they were completely off topic, boring screenshots of old, unrelated comments, and contained unnecessary insults. To me, that wastes everyone's time.
I dismissed it because it had zero to do with the topic of the SAT. Zero.
Please, define “being white” in this context.
Someone always forgets to tell Asian Americans that the SAT is designed for White overachievement.
Get Ur Freak On is not a good song.
“Fast Times” features a high school freshman (15?) girl banging an adult 20-something man in a little league dugout.
Circa 2009, I saw Weezer in San Diego. They pulled a local HS marching band on stage to play “Beverly Hills” with them. Something I assume they did in every city on tour.
Sorry, I had to:
Here’s why I am a free speech absolutist.
Favorite thing about DDD: the chefs are completely transparent about their recipes. “This is how I make the brine, this is how long I marinate it, here’s how I make the sauce......”
When it came to last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests, his social media account “goes dark. Not a black square box. There’s silence,” says Contois.
If you don’t know what to think of a guy who does all of these wonderful, charitable things until you can figure out who he votes for — that is a YOU problem.
To the parents of teens: do you monitor your kids’ devices and social media accounts to make sure they’re not getting too close to bad actors?
I’m from the Midwest, and this is one of a few movies that made me obsessed with SoCal. Summer School, Fast Times were a couple others.
The sound/voice sucks. It interrupts your music, and far more importantly, your phone calls. Too many instructions like, “In one mile, continue on Route 45.”
I had a spotless credit history, but “only” one open credit card, so my score was around 725. I got a zero fee Chase card, set it up to pay my smallest recurring bill, and my score was above 800 in no time.