

Most of your “facts” sound like misremembered bullshit.

Apparently, apostrophes aren’t out of your price range either.

Dude they interviewed is a hack.

Jezebel spends too much time listening to bitchy queens.

That’ll teach him to be unarmed and put his hands in the air.

The modifier “hardcore” belies your premise.

For the record: I don’t have a hunting forum.

How is that ironic?

Who is forcing you to engage in this discussion? Is there a bad man at your house? Blink three times if you need help.

I’d say smashing the windows of one of the whitest, crackeriest businesses in the world is some pretty effective protesting.

I don’t think you know what that word means.

So does Angie.

Don’t forget the antisemitism.

Putin’s an asshole, but he pays his bills.

There’s speculation that he’s one of our dead baby/mangled anumal picture posters.

Gawker was suicide.

Yeah, I don’t want to read about any more missing women.

Ten bucks says this dude has bodies buried in the crawlspace.

Just throwing this out there, but if Mass of Contradictions isn’t trolling, he’s seriously disturbed and has no idea about typical human interactions.