Suddenly it’s “PC” to not talk about your butthole in a public, sponsored setting.
Suddenly it’s “PC” to not talk about your butthole in a public, sponsored setting.
God I need Animal Crossing right now
I take it you weren’t a MoviePass member, then?
Well it looks like the dad is chocolate creme filled so I think that makes their baby a Milano.
I fully support the message about harassment ... the microtransaction apologism, not so much. After 10 years of increasingly predatory monetization the “you don’t understand the videogame industry”and “it’s just cosmetics” excuses are hollow.
Let me put the relevant block quote here from the story you just read.
You think that’s confusing. . .
Uh.... how about reading the article?
So, you wan’t a retraction or just letting us know?
I don’t like pies and cakes. People think I’m a freak who hates fun.
It’s true.
well excuuuuuse me princess
They just really know how to structure the announcements. They knew that the Animal Crossing delay was kind of a bummer and saved two awesome surprises for after that to make up for it.
Nintendo really killed it. The other conferences got a “oh, that looks interesting” from me but the Nintendo hype is real!
Also: he probably didn’t have his ID on him while sitting in his yard. He probably would have to go inside to get it. Then he would walk back outside, wallet in hand. The police will see the wallet, scream, “He’s charging at us with a gun!” and shoot.
Most people are stupid, no?
F$@K YOU to all the people that whine “He should have just shown His ID” we do not live in a police state( yet) when a person is relaxing in their yard and anyone can just come up and say I want to see your ID. That is NOT acceptable! His children learned a lesson. And another Fu@k you to the people who dont…
It’s not even that. One of the direct laws their God gave them was don’t commit adultery. Trump has committed adultery multiple times throughout his life, and at least twice in his current marriage. They just pick which rules they want to follow and force them on everyone else.
But that’s just it.. its not “if god exists”..
So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?
I guess we can stop wondering how German citizens lived through the Third Reich. Just like this.