Things that would please me about Trump, in no particular order:
Things that would please me about Trump, in no particular order:
“He has a deal with Netflix. When did they start talking about that?”
Rules of Attraction?
So just about all his business as President is based on a “fuck you” to the Emoluments Clause. His kids are stupid enough to believe him too. This will be fun.
Impeach his dumb ass already! I can’t believe the Republicans are not yet tired of all this fuckery and trying to keep the training wheels on this lunatic! Never before have I seen both stupidity and greed rolled up into one dumb ass man! He should keep Obama’s name outta his damn mouth sounding like a jail house…
Her “hard core feminist vibes” comment is like the 2019 version of that trash “but I’m not, like, a feminist” statement that celebs used to always give.
I actually see a conservator in her future, as she’s much more successful than LL ever was, but ultimately I hope she finds health and happiness. Whatever this is, is a symptom of something, to be sure.
Of course he thinks the emoluments clause is phony, he’s functionally illiterate. There is no way he could read the Constitution much less comprehend it.
Rules of Attraction!
If he can’t pronounce it, he doesn’t believe in it.
...shes one of the most tone deaf artists out there. Just jumps on any and every cultural trend/thing she can hijack. Why is she saying this dumb archaic shit like every lesbian is just a scorned woman
Miley is trash, Liam escaped
Miley, honey, you need to slow the fuck down and lay off the cocaine. I would like to remind you of an earlier post today featuring your future - Lindsay Lohan.
Hell, American Republicans are trying to drag the US back to the 19th century, so don’t feel bad about being slightly late to the 21st.
That is A LOT of undecided. I am frankly not surprised that Buttigieg has risen in the polls simply because apparently there are a lot of moderate/centrist democrats and they are probably looking for a “not Biden” alternative given that Biden is a rambling old man. And I’m also not surprised that Sanders is dropping;…
Fair warning, it will probably taste just as weird as the fast food sausage you’re used to. The regulars that eat these for breakfast on the daily are acclimated to the flavor and texture, and might react negatively if it changes in any significant way.
I eat a veggie sausage and egg sandwich for breakfast every morning. Sausage turns out to be a super easy protein to replicate in wheat-and-soy form, because the real thing is already pretty pebbly/crumbly, and the spices go a long way in handling the flavor.
Considering the quality of the meat in the breakfast sausage at Dunks, this might actually be an improvement.
Vegetarian sausage makes sense to me. Sausage is just spiced meat; most of the flavor comes from things other than the meat. It would be a lot easier to replace than something like a burger, whixh, unless you're eating at an Ollie's Trolley, is going to be more meat than spice.