Time to unfreeze Horatio Sanz.
TIL: avocados are nutsacks.
First hint should have been the title, honestly. It’s Lucy in the Sky, not Lucy in the Sky with Diapers.
Anyone that has qualms about how we treat delicious chickens, should just remember that these motherfucking dinosaurs would tear your shit up if they were just a bit bigger. It’s not animal abuse; it’s self-preservation, delicious, finger-licking, self-preservation.
They’re tying to preempt Taco John from suing Taco Lebron.
Arr, matey, both be fair game for me lustful appetite.
Seems like a whole generation of kids is being conditioned to accept their lovable, bot overlords.
Food pirates. Specifically, high-as-fuck, food pirates. If one of these crossed my path while I was in munchies mode, no quarter would be given.
BORING....if you’ve never driven hands-free, three-sheet-to-the-wind, ashes and beer spilling down your shirt and the steering wheel...then you’ve also probably haven’t gotten several DUIs.
Very Trump answer. Fight fire with fire.
Or JITB telling you to bring your own salmonella.
The original bootleg sandwich that spawned the official sanwich was made with their tendies.
I’m going and opening a Blaze franchise.
Nah, it’s not just the availability of cheap produce, because they sell the same cheap produce from Chile/Mexico/Vietnam at Walmart and yet...people of Walmart.
5Our neighbors South have it figured out: Gansitos.
with birds.
Yeah, but even if it’s the same direction, at least you’re not driving with your asshole. Which I think is the true metaphor.
If the Popeye’s chicken sandwich was the President Obama of chicken sandwiches, then this grotesque idiot of a sandwich qualifies as the Trumpest of sandwiches.