One Hot Minute is the Chili Peppers best record.
One Hot Minute is the Chili Peppers best record.
About what I expect from ol “I wrote in John Kasich” Johnson.
It’s so tryhard. It’s like a parody of grimdark superhero comics, except we’re supposed to take it seriously.
THANK YOU. I thought I was losing my mind reading all the hype and praise over this stupid grimdark character. Every time I see some bit from DC these days, it’s the fuckin’ Batman Who Laughs, DCeased, or something from Injustice. Puts me right off.
The NFL didn’t like San Diegans rebuffing their brazen stadium grift, and all the other owners think Mark Davis is a pud (he is, but it’s still stupid that they let that get in the way of the Raiders moving to LA, considering it’s the only team that LA would’ve actually cared about).
It really is amazing where he is right now -- 10 years ago I’d’ve pegged him as another one of wrestling’s dead-before-50 cautionary tales; he was a mess. He looks fucking *miraculous* now.
This is the kind of posting I’m here for.
Yeah, the longer this goes on, the more sure I am that she’s going to pull an Obama and shrug while compromising left and right even if the Democrats grab the Senate and hold the House. She’s just itching to pull some “third way but with a few weak regulatory band-aids” bullshit.
Honestly, I realize these guys have a lifestyle to which they’re accustomed, and that $5 million might seem like a pittance, but fuck, man, give me $5 million and I’d make it last the rest of my life in some cheap, secluded area.
The fucking Patriot Act says otherwise, pal.
David Morrell actually — smartly — negotiated a deal in which retained the literary rights to Rambo, DESPITE the character’s death in the original novel, so he ended up getting to write (and get paid for, natch) the novelizations for the subsequent Rambo movies (though I think he only actually did it for 2 and 3) The…
Yeah, genuinely surprised to see HamNo boosting Warren like this.
“Hardest working, best conditioned, most professional, [most] unselfish, toughest, nastiest, most disliked team in the league.”
“Good things are only possible if you constantly modulate and compromise until the good thing doesn’t even resemble itself anymore out of fear of pissing anyone off.”
My hope is that Happy Hogan blowing off “Nick Fury” at the end of the last one, and then Spidey getting the Jameson bomb dropped on him, means that we can finally get a good street-level Spider-Man movie again. I liked FFH (particuarly Gyllenhaal) but it really suffered from having to tie up the Endgame stuff. Hell,…
“Both sides” writ large: “nothing can ever be accomplished because everything is bad.” But also, “The Left is so negative!”
Ties are bullshit, and the fact that Andrew Yang refuses to wear one might be the most compelling thing about his campaign.
If you want to see blood, Biden is your guy.