
It's a movie that, if it knew how dumb it was, would be a lot of fun. But it honestly thinks it's doing something cool and innovative and I just can't roll with it. Even when I was 18 it was too much stupid for me.

The Bond fans are deluded here. Casino Royale is—as far as these things can be—objectively a better made and better movie than 300. Is it more "influential"? Not even close. CR has been highly influential for the Bond franchise, but what has it influenced otherwise? Bourne did the whole "realistic" action spy film

It was more about tone. It took its cue from Bourne to be serious and "gritty" or whatever.

Eh. That's just stupidity.

Yeah, Repubs/Conservatives have not leg to stand on here. Voting in Trump is not like voting in Obama. It's more akin to voting in someone like Susan Sarandon or Sean Penn or Bill Maher. If Libs did something like that, the outrage would make some kind of sense. But, even then, at least Sarandon and Penn and Maher

That's like choosing your favorite child, except you're hamstrung by the fact that none of EW's films are ungrateful little fuck ups.

Right. Let's hope they continue with this trend. I really enjoyed both of those movies.

Yeah, but—and I know people are gonna think I'm a Trump-humping, alt-right MRA/NRA asshole (I'm not)—people sort of don't have to be offended all the time.

Yeah, I re-watched Spider-Man 3 recently and it wasn't as bad as I remembered. But every time I want to fight for its honor, I remember that stupid retcon and I just don't really have the will to care as much.

There are plenty of research that suggests that "friendship" is the biggest predictor of whether a relationship will be long-lasting and "successful" or not. So this is probably a good call.

I've worked in the mental health field for almost a decade. I've worked with a couple of thousand clients, probably. I know it sound trite and cliched and "unscientific" but from my own personal observations, the state of one's relationships (romantic, familial, friendship, etc.) is usually the biggest predictor of

Word. I get that drug kingpins are human too, but I've been just about tapped out with stories where I'm supposed to identify with or sympathize with or in anyway root for drug dealers.

I thought Baby was an inherently interesting character just for being Ansel Elgort surrounded by a bunch of hardened criminals. Add all the other little quirks (caring for an old deaf dude, growing up as a child with parents in an abusive relationship, surviving the car crash, his fascination with music, making music

Never mind that for some of us, the dialogue (and pursuant characterization) is the single biggest element that sunk the movie.

His journey is learning what it means to be a good person. And driving bank robbers isn't that, as much as he tried to convince himself it could be.

I don't remember if they got him for robbing the bank though. Did they just get him for the post office robbery (which is still a federal offence, so it probably doesn't matter)?

It was a well-done piece of pulp genre fiction. It was done with a distinct voice and some nice flair. Not every movie has to be a statement to be worthwhile.

Baby's goal is to be a good person. That's his journey. He's a good person trapped in circumstances that don't allow him to be good. That's why he turns himself in at the end. It's the "good" thing to do. That's his journey.

Not only do they like it, they'll claim it's their favorite movie of his.

They did a study about it and found that most wrestling fans actually skew Democrat/Liberal.