
Right. All good points.

Every day people all across American say, "I do" and promise they will. Then they do, and they live reasonably content and happy lives.

Well, and part of the problem is generating conclusions of what a person is or is not based entirely on the bits and pieces we see in their work and from a handful of comment he made and his wife made. Which, I suppose, gives us some hints or clues or evidence, but we don't really KNOW these people and it's dangerous

Dr. King and his followers did not punch white supremacists. You know that's what I meant.

In any movement there's always a desire to be a martyr.

I mean, far be it for me to argue against fighting Nazis. I'm just trying to figure out what's the most effective means of doing so. America is too diverse for their views to ever become mainstream. The message since at least the 1940s has always been that it's not ok to be a nazi. Much of our pop culture promotes

They also won't go away if you give them what they want and attract other small-feeling folks.

They don't want to return to their mother's basements and shitty jobs. They don't want to be laughed at. My guess is a whole bunch of them would settle down if they could get a decent date.

But, also, I guess better safe than sorry when it comes to nazis, right?

Eh. They're a bunch of limpdicks and their president is a limpdick, neither of whom have actually accomplished anything.

while I don’t think we should ignore these Nazis, I also think we’re sort of giving them what they want. They want a fight. They want to be seen as dangerous. And, quite frankly, that in and of itself attracts a certain kind of disillusioned person who feels powerless, already. If nothing else, those groups provide an

Five if you count whatever it was that happened in Wolverine: Origins or whatever.

Up until recently I generally considered myself a pacifist, as of right now, as long as I don't see a Nazi, I'm considering myself a non-aggressor.

Same, dude. I generally consider myself a non-agressor, possibly even pacisfist, but I feel like Brad Pitt in Inglorious Basterds like 24/7 suddenly.

I get the right-wing criticism. They hate him because he's right. What I don't get is the left-wing criticism. He's been right about everything. If you don't like his style, that's one thing, but to equivocate him to the left's version of Limbaugh or Hannity is beyond asinine (that would most certainly be Maher). He's

It's simultaneously one of the most homophobic and one of the most homoerotic movies I've ever seen.

Yeah, but that's most people. And, specifically, that's most people on vacation in America. If I'm driving through Flagstaff on my way to LA, I'm probably budgeting my money, I'm probably tired, and I don't want to stop at some high-end, stuck-up french joint. I just want something cheesy, meaty and greasy that is

Eh. That's not necessarily true. I think Al Roker used to host that show and it was alright, but I barely remember it. Guy's goofy loudness does something for the show.

I mean, secretly, it was a good enough diversion. A little long though. My point still stands.

I think he's referring to how many people the genre appeals to. Not general quality or preference.