
Nothing supports this argument more than the two Captain America sequels. Totally bland, personality-less movies that people seem to love. Which is fine, I just don't get it, myself. The best parts of Civil War were Spider-Man's scenes and when Ant-Man went big.

Both Avengers are good. Guardians 1 is good. Guardians 2 is great. TFA is great. TWS and CW are two movies I totally don't get the love for. They're both pretty bland to me. They're good episodes of a marvel TV show. I'm not saying they're not great, of course. That's subjective. Just saying, I don't see it.

Yeah, I like Heat. But I don't love it. A lot of people really love Heat. But to me, my feelings for Heat mirror my feelings for the work of Michael Mann as a whole. I always feel like I like his movies, but they just don't give me the catharsis I'm expecting. Maybe that's his point, but I feel like there's something

I hated Legacy. I thought it had some good elements, and I was hoping Renner would own the role so he could have his own franchise, but I never felt like the story got off the ground. I felt the exact same way about the ending the first time I watched it. I remember it ending and me being all like, "that's it? Where's

Glad to see a pro-Bourne post here. I'm a big fan of the original trilogy and don't quite understand why so many people think they're bland films or don't contain excellent action scenes.

Since it's clear now that foreign films are eligible to be the top choices in this series, I agree. I actually love the original Bourne trilogy, but Kung Fu Hustle should've been the pick here.

This, the Paul Greengrass of a decade ago understood how to do the shaky-cam thing while still allowing the viewer to understand the logistics and spacing of what's going on. I agree with Breihart that when done right, shakycam really mimics the chaos of real life violence (And I'm an expert on what that feels like,

I'll never understand how Spider-Man 2 isn't more roundly beloved. It's rarely in any major discussion of best superhero films, but I think it does everything the Marvel movies do, only better and with an extremely director's personal stamp on it. I mean, I think it's a really "personal" movie for Raimi, which, other

It's not fun, though. That's the problem. If there was anything historically inaccurate about that movie it's that it didn't realize that Dillinger was not a mopey, moody criminal. He was as close to a "trickster" figure you could get in real life. He robbed banks and had fun doing it.

When I first saw the movie, I felt the same way. But when I re-read the Illiad, I realized that it's the gods doing all the real narrative work of the story and it robs the human characters of most of their agency. Would've made for a really weird movie.

I was always a sucker for The Negotiator, myself.

In the past 25 years the Republican candidate for president has only won the popular vote one time.

That puritan streak remains because the myth of a conservative America remains.

Yeah, but… not much has changed on that front, has it?

Iron Flag was solid. Some real highs, but, yeah, the beginning of the end though. Although I did enjoy 8 Diagrams for the most part.

I'm probably going to stick my foot in my mouth, but I've noticed that this is sort of a pattern when it comes to film criticism coming from a feminist perspective. Which, I ultimately mostly agree with. The portrayal of women (and pretty much every minority) in cinema continues, on the whole, to be pretty

I always felt it was like a Vonnegut novel. Narcissistic, incompetent businessman who inherited his fortune, can hardly speak the American language and whose biggest success is as a game show host somehow becomes president. Now all we have to do is wait for the world to end in some ironic, scary-but-humorous way.

You have to remember that the government are really a bunch of lizard-aliens from another dimension doing shit like setting up medical death panels, and underground prisons in Texas, and labor camps in Oklahoma, and mass graves in Kansas. They fly planes that release a noxious gas into the atmosphere that turns all

Yep. That's the ultimate problem. No matter how bad things get, they'll always find a way to blame the libtards or the feminazis or the social justice warriors or the immigrants. It will never be their fault or the fault of the people they continually elect. Look at some shithole like Kansas or Oklahoma. Their

I mean, it still makes sense to root for the annoying wrestler over the Racist one who is teamed up with the powerful, evil guy, no?