
Ugh. Word.

I will never, ever get over that. And the Ant-Man movie we got is fine, and inspired in some ways (particularly for a Marvel film), but it's Edgar fucking Wright.

Because Marvel. Now these movies have to be treated more as ongoing episodes of a really expensive TV series than movies.

I'm stealing this from someone who posted this on an AV club article a month or so ago, but the Boba Fett movie needs to be John Wick in space. A simple, sleek, violent action film. That would do the trick for me, at least.


Ok. But there are a shit ton of revenge movies that are shitty movies. The whole point of making a good movie is fleshing out the details. I really don't give a shit about someone killing her fiance and stealing her baby. In fact, if anything, if not done correctly that's s a cheap and manipulative reason for trying

There's no build-up for it. It was a great action movie. I loved it when I saw it. But it didn't mean anything. Why should I really give a shit? What gave her revenge weight? She was obviously a bad person too, so maybe she should've died at the hands of Vivica Fox or the Crazy 88, right?

I also enjoy the Matrix sequels for what they are. They kind of fucked with the mythology of the first one, in a way that was sort of disappointing. But they still mostly deliver the goods. However, I get why a lot of people don't like them. It's fine.

I went to see it with a group of friends who basically only liked Vol. 1 for the violence (I was in college, give me some kind of break) and one of them hated Vol 2. I'm sitting there almost crying at the end and as we're walking out of the theater he says, "What was up with the burial scene. The screen went blank

I still think the tonal shift between the two volumes (and the plot reveal at the end of Vol 1) would've worked well with an intermission.

I feel it sort of misses the point to not conceive of both volumes as one film. Vol. 1 was awesome for it's action scenes, but I agree with those who insist it's an emotionally empty film. But Vol.2 retroactively imbues Vol. 1 with meaning and resonance. And Vol 1. imbues Vol. 2 with certain aspects character and plot

Hell, even Greengrass himself has forgotten how to use shaky-cam effectively. But for Supremacy and Ultimatum, there was an effective purpose to the way he was using it. People forget, because it became such a scourge, but I don't think my palms had ever been as sweaty in a movie as they were in Supremacy (and that

You realize what's happening is unprecedented? It took two years for Watergate to come through, and that was kiddie's play run by a bunch of people who actually knew what they were doing. These people are literal imbeciles. There's what, like 8 investigations ongoing right now, including at least one criminal

What are you talking about? Tony Stark is sad that that one chick's son died while he was blowing shit up. And the Hulk is…angry all the time or something. Those are emotions.

Honestly, I'd throw Deadpool and Guardians 2 in there as well. I was pretty burnt out and bored with the superhero genre—there's only so many times you can watch a smarmy man with superpowers quip and blow shit up with unconvincing CGI before you get the picture— but those four movies came along and have rejuvenated

Yeah, people don't seem to understand this. The Marvel heroes tend to be characters we can relate to. The DC heroes tend to be those we aspire to.

I remember reading a review of 8 Mile when it came out where the critic said their were "homosexual undertones" between Eminem and that one dumb friend of his. Then I watched the movie and I was like, "they're just friends."

The only Marvel films I truly really enjoy and have seen more than once are The First Avenger and the two Guardians films. I don't think it's a coincidence that all three of those films (yes, even the first Guardians) are also the only films where Marvel does romance well.

Cultural appropriation is sort of an icky topic to get involved in, anyway. One of the great things about being human is meeting new people, learning about new cultures, and connecting with those people and those cultures in a meaningful way. Hell, I'm sure if you go far enough back in Hinduism enough, you'll find

Dude, PE and Run DMC didn't really even get going until almost a decade after the "birth' of hip hop. This show was getting there, eventually.