
Nah. It's people shitting on Olbermann and Moore, proclaiming that they were the equivalents to the Limbaughs and Hannitys of the liberal world were and are a huge part of the problem. Sometimes this is serious shit and we need to be serious about it.

I don't even know if he's that complex. I think he's just playing with a fidget spinner.

A lot of them ARE bad.

You know, he wouldn't want to alienate the racists that will never vote for him.

Well, I feel like a shithead for criticizing someone as competent as Obama when King Cheeto Vomit is running rampant, but, Obama's perpetual diplomacy was always one of his weaknesses as a politician. Dude couldn't even come out and say something like, "You know, the BLM does have a point we should consider," or, "You

That's just because you don't play 4-D chess, my friend.

Well, not so much an "animal" as just an "American."

I mean they're all continuums right? Generally, I think sports dramas are their own genre. However, I would entertain arguments for Rocky IV being an action film (and possibly Rocky III as well), for example.

I sort of think the same is true of horror movies. Like the "Why would you run upstairs" trope. Well, have you ever been afraid for your life? You're not exactly thinking straight at that moment. You're just sort of reacting.

Eh. It doesn't seem like it, but I think martial arts movies get a pass for reasons I don't care enough to really get into. I mean, I guess if fistfights or melee weapon fights play integral roles in the proceedings, it counts as an action movie. But I wouldn't defend that to the death or anything.

Admittedly, ANH is probably the least action-y movie in the series. The lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Vader is pretty lame. Although, if Top Gun is an action movie, then maybe ANH is too, from that angle.

Have you ever been or seen a fight? Punches are weird. Sometimes a single blow can nearly kill someone, and sometimes a person can take dozens of them and be bleeding all over the place and they're still not "dazed."

Was thinking the same thing. I know it's popular to hate on Chris Tucker, he and Jackie Chan have great chemistry together. I'm a Rush Hour apologist, but it's the dynamics between the two that make them enjoyable movies for me even though they're not really good and often quite racist.

I hated Romeo Must Die because Li didn't get to kiss Aaliyah. Even when I was 16 years old I thought that was bullshit. What was the whole point of the movie. That they were just friends? Friendship is fine and all, but the Jet Li and Aaliyah characters were obviously sort of into each other.

The idea still gets bandied about from time to time. That's a story that should be fairly successful in cinematic form.

My daughter is 6 and loves Chaplin. I think silent movie comedies are pretty easy for kids to get into. The language is universal. It's why they dig Road Runner and Tom and Jerry cartoons. Even a child understands what's going on.

The cliffhanger works perfectly if you're going to do an intermission.

I love the Bourne Supremacy and Collateral, but the Kill Bill films exist solely to be discussed by Breihan in this series. Two of the greatest pure action films evah.

Hell, Cruise was always best as an insouciant yuppie type. So I dig his performances in shit like Jerry McGuire and A Few Good Men.

I actually consider Star Wars films action films because they're really martial arts movies in disguise.