
Ehhhhh. The Neo-liberalism that the Dems have embraced is pretty fucking far from their roots, too. When it comes to economics, Obama the "socialist" makes Nixon look like a commie libtard.

This and Bill Durham were the two that first jumped to my mind.

Would at Malcolm X into that list. But agreed.

Right. My experience is that most movie critics are preoccupied with the mechanics of the movie. I, as a viewer, have learned that I don't really give a shit about the mechanics of a movie. There's something alchemic about how i respond to movies. Sometimes it's just a theme that resonates with me, and the movie can

The problem for me with those shots is that you can see the wheels turning. You can see him decide, in real time, that he was going to be president just to show those clowns.

Well, the media did do a good job of pointing out that the media is unreliable. What happened, though, is that people started figuring that if the media is not totally honest or accurate about things, they could just believe whatever the hell they wanted to believe. It's a difficult situation, because we want a

Nah. That was a cop-out. He never truly owned his satire. You think Twain or Mencken would've said, "I'm just a satirist. Don't take me too seriously"? That'st the point. He never owned what he was really trying to do, which was use comedy as a weapon. And because of that, it never produced the causalities it was

It didn't matter if the racists didn't like Obama. If he would've been allowed to run again, I think AZ and GA turn blue and perhaps even TX.

Nah. Republicans just understand, on an instinctual level, that politics isn't about logic or reason or rationality or even general moral sensibility. Politics, for a large number of the electorate, is simply a matter of primal primate tribalism. My team vs. your team. I don't give a fuck about anything except for

Ironically, it is the much maligned Karate Kid remake that has made the best use of Chan in the past 10-15 years or so.

I was just having this discussion a few weeks ago with a buddy. I'm totally a skeptic these days regarding UFO/ET Visits, but there really are a handful of incidents that are difficult to explain. And even I've seen some crazy stuff that I just dismiss as pseudo-hallucinations or bad memory recall.


Also, MMA is basically the most diverse sport on the planet, and includes a whole lot of progressive-thinking athletes.

Yeah, but even Carlin, during the last 15 years or so, stopped telling jokes. i basically agreed with everything he said, but I'm not sure how often I actually laughed. And that's that I think, in his prime, he was probably the greatest American comedian I've seen.

I'm not even sure it's that complicated. In my lifetime I think the winner of every presidential election has always been the candidate who most successfully painted themselves as the "outsider." (Possible exception being Clinton's victory over Dole, but Dole was also pretty entrenched in "the system"). Sanders

Oh wow. Didn't realize it was out and out rape. I check out his site occasionally. I feel like it's gotten better since he resigned. He did come across as a bully to me, one that used what he presented as a higher moral ground to justify it. And this whole time he was a piece of shit.

Didn't dude ironically (fittingly?) turn out to be a perv himself?

American Splendor?

You keeping missing the crux of the issue, which is that in Zootopia, the Predators have a history of violence, and that, if given the proper circumstances (or drug), that violence can be unleashed again. That's the problem with the metaphor, whether taken "too literally" or not. Though it's not intended to be, it's a

Except that Iron Man 3 is probably the best Marvel film. (NB that I don't particularly care for the Marvel movieverse, so I'm not a prototypical comic book fan scorned).