
This is true. I do wonder, though, if he would've had something more of an impact if half of the progressives out there didn't shit all over him and call him the left's version of Rush Limbaugh. Say what you will about Conservatives, but they intuitively understand tribal warfare. The dems have no useful concept of

Sums it all up, right? People don't believe what evidence provides. They believe what they want to be true.

I think he did. I just don't think he had spine. His stance on same-sex marriage encapsulates his presidency. He was against it until more than 50-percent of the population was in favor of it. Once it was safe to do so, he came out in support of it. Outside of ACA, he never took a strong, clear stand on any

People just weren't paying attention. Everyone shits on Michael Moore, because Michael Moore actually knows what the "common American" is like and he knew we were a dangerous people. He took things seriously and he wanted things fixed before they got worse. Meanwhile, people were fapping to Colbert and Stewart because

Well, now he does. He didn't when he made Dracula.

I don't know if it's technically "the best," but The Nice Guys is the one that has stuck with me the longest. I think it about it randomly from time to time, as if it were an ex-girlfriend or something.

I'm slow, so I was like 19 or 20 when I finally had THE REALIZATION. I was watching Van Helsing, with Hugh Jackman. Literally the first movie I chose not to finish watching. I haven't been the same since. I think it single-handedly turned me off to CGI. It's been more than 10 years since i watched it, so I don't

He had a great column at deadspin too, that I wish would be collected into a book.

Yeah, I see that scene as pretty emblematic of what many kids might feel at the sudden realization that they had a killer robot at their beck and call. I love kids, but they tend to be dicks like that.

Agreed. And, quite frankly, I don't think any of their movies truly belong on a "worst of the year list." Such a list completely ignores all the utterly incompetent shit that is released in a given year (you can hate their style, but both guys obviously know what they're doing with a camera, at least) Although that

The first Transformers was genuinely entertaining. People had made up their minds about its quality before it was ever released, though.

Ugh. As much as I hate to say this, Bay is the more skillful director though. People bitch about the Transformers fight scenes being incomprehensible, but I have experienced nothing worse in my cinematic-viewing life than a CGI batmobile scene. Nothing. There are actually elements of BvS that I liked. They didn't add

That he "hacked" America is the perfect way of putting it. Hold on, I'm going to go puke again.

Bush favored Civil Unions when Obama voiced no support of any kind for legal recognition of same-sex relationships.

Well, yeah. And they're lives are going to be even bigger mounds of shit because of it. And they still won't care. Because somebody will tell them it's the fault of Blacks or immigrants or Muslims or whatever. And they'll believe it because that's what they want to believe.

Yeah, Obama didn't even come out in favor of same sex marriage until after more than 50-percent of Americans had supported it. People forget that Dubya actually had a more liberal policy on same-sex marriage right up until it was politically safe for Obama to support it.

Eh. This stuff is relative. Obama was a great president, but kind of a scuzzy human being. I mean, who since FDR would you say was a good president and a good person? Carter, maybe? JFK if we ignore his philandering? Options are bleak after that.

There are no consequences because people don't care. There are very legitimate criticisms of the news media in general, but the people who support Trump have learned all the wrong lessons from that criticism. If they call Trump on his horseshit, these people just dismiss it as "liberal bias" or whatever catchphrase

Haha. Ok, dude.

Man. Up until I turned, like, 21 or something, I enjoyed the vast majority of movies I watched. Even movies I recognized as bad, I generally thought were still better uses of my time than just about anything else I could've been doing except for maybe having sex.