
Well, I didn't think I spouted any "sociology jargon." I mentioned Foucault because I actually despise him, but I think true crime stories actually prove a lot of what he was trying to get at in terms of how most of us are slaves to our circumstances.

If you don't understand why somebody would want to learn about a true murder instead of a fake murder, there's nothing I can say to get you to understand. One is "real" and one is "make-believe." It's like asking why somebody watches the news instead of just reading the Onion. Both have their purposes, and both are

I never understood this perspective re: the "True Crime" genre. Sure, we get some form of "entertainment" from such stories, but I think people like you conflate "entertainment" with "titillation." Those of us who "enjoy" true crime stories aren't tantalized by the stories. We're interested in them because they tell

Rapid Fire should get an honorable mention. It's a fun movie. But it won't get the nod. But I'm glad you mentioned it.

I'll actually be disappointed if '98 is Saving Private Ryan. It's a war film, not an action movie. Semantics to be sure, but it won the goddamned Oscar. Does it need this too?

I just think movies like Spiderman 2 and The Dark Knight have proven that oreos and doritos can have more nutrition, so it's hard to settle. I've already moved on, personally. I don't think the vast majority of Marvel films are even very good.

Not so much a "sex" scandal as a "relationship" scandal, perhaps? Hell, I'm not sure something like that is really anyone's place to judge. Wonder what makes it a "scandal" per se?

During the colder months, my wife will make a chicken roast at least once or twice per month, and it is divine. There are still core differences in flavor profile, between the turkey and chicken, of course, but I would have a difficult time between choosing my preference between the two. Turkey has more natural

Yeah, I think it's something of a "life hack."

I think it's just like everything else, some people have an idea on how to prepare and cook turkey and some people don't. Of course, there is the whole subjectivity thing. But I've had some terrible turkey and I've had some divine turkey.

Either you know how to cook a turkey or you don't. People who know how to cook turkey make delicious turkey dinners that rival any other option. Those who don't, well…

Yes! That's a good example of the lines blurring. I think it's just grounded enough that I would accept it as a an "action" film, and agree that it's odd that it wasn't at least tangentially mentioned.

Eh. If you're a action film fanboy, the two issues with superhero films is the superpowers and the corresponding overabundance of CGI. An action movie is generally about a mostly human protagonist who finds his or herself in circumstances beyond what they're prepared to handle, and then they use their resourcefulness

I'm a staunch advocate of The Matrix. And yet… everytime I stumble upon it by accident on TV, it still surprises me just how good it is. It's a great flick and people should stop being dumb about it.

To really understand Asian action movies, a Western, Cinephile type has to realize that the purpose and structure of those movies are inverse to the purpose and structure of our movies. The plot, characterization, setting, et. al. are included only to serve the action. The entire purpose of each element of a story is

How you ain't got my shit when I let you hold it, man?

If you haven't already, check out his old column at Deadspin:

Yeah, Meth is mad slept on. I don't agree with the production opinion, though. I think the production is more polished and possibly more complex in some ways. But, again, it comes back to personal tastes.

Great post. I agree wholeheartedly with your comment about production. It's much too sleek these days. I think you nailed it with the term "organic." I don't think people get the genius of someone like Preemo or 90s-era RZA. It was epic minimalism. Taking a few ingredients and creating entire worlds with them. There

I dont' think we'll ever agree on such a point, but while I think one can argue that Kendrick made better albums (Tical is a tough album to beat and it's not even top 15 of its era), I really don't think he's a better rapper. Which seems like a weird thing to say, but that's the way it works sometimes. Tupac was one