
Find a Way and Against the World are both better than anything on Beats, Rhymes and Life. Also, the version I bought had the Scenario remix, which there are no words for. Love Movement is so slept on, but it's a good album. I look at it as an example of when certain opinions just become "accepted." But while it

Nah. I don't get how anyone steeped in the Golden Age of hip hop can think any of those acts compare. Some of them are good, but who measures up to ATCQ, Wu, Nas, Biggie, Pac, even Ice Cube in their primes (just to name a few)? Lamar is the crown jewel right now, and I think even 50 year old Method Man would slap him

Yeah, well… the people surrounded by and exposed to diversity need to get out and fucking vote.

Less people voted for Trump this year than voted for Romney in 2012. And Romney lost in a landslide.

Probably. But I feel like if it's one thing this election has taught us is that it's almost impossible to overestimate the dislike for Clinton. Just like the R's put forth their absolute worst candidate, the Dems put forth their most disliked candidate.

Eh. He's not a strong candidate in the primaries, because he's not foaming at the mouth and calling for the murder and exorcism of various kinds of brown people. The Republican "base" is now their own worst enemy. Paul is probably their best candidate, because he's just Libertarian enough to support a number of

Dems put forth their most vulnerable candidate in some time, too. I think almost any other Republican beats her this year. She's one of the most disliked people in all of politics. I think if Rand Paul is the R candidate, it's a bloodbath. That's not to say I like Rand Paul. Just that can you imagine a smug asshole

Yeah, it's an interesting thing. I go 3rd party whenever the Republican candidates aren't absolutely scaring the shit out of me. I'm going Clinton this year, even though I don't think she'll be able to make necessary changes, or even wants to. There obviously isn't a "left" party anymore, which is what I want.

Yeah, but there's a downside to a multi-party system, as well. Trump probably wins if there's a third or fourth legitimate candidate to split the "rational" votes.

Dude, this is exactly the problem. I keep hearing about "preachy" and "sanctimonious" vegans and vegetarians, but all the vegans and vegetarians I know don't really make a show of their dietary choices. Meanwhile I read several memes per day on facebook making fun of vegans and talking about how awesome meat is. I

I guess it's "to each their own," but I agree. I'm not a vegetarian (although about 90-percent of my diet is vegetarian), but I don't get the meat fetishization in our culture. I mean, there are some good dishes, but when I go to a Barbecue joint, for example, I think the side dishes are at least as good, if not

Truest "conservative" in the traditional sense was Paul. And he was probably the only real conservative in the race.

Yeah. He was the worst president in at least mondern times, and I used to be utterly incapable of "standing" the guy. But when you see him in interviews, he doesn't seem like an evil dude at all. Just a putz. He was a hell of a puppet. His name will go down in the annals of history are an abject failure and borderline

It's been awhile since I read the books, but when I saw the ads, that's almost exactly what I thought. I assumed I had created a fat, grungee Dirk Gently in my own mind, for no real reason. But I was happy with that Dirk Gently, so whatever.

Nah. What I enjoy most about Michael Moore is his presence exposes the spineless self-loathing of contemporary "liberals." Moore is somebody who believes in a message earnestly and wants people to think about things seriously, but there's nothing less "cool" these days than righteous anger served up without the sauce

When people state the "good guy with a gun" theory, it's so problematic on so many levels. Not least of which is the fact that human beings, research overwhelmingly shows, are not actually very good at violence.

I Gave You Power by Nas. *shivers*

Yeah, really good points.

I was a hip hop head, as were most of my friends. I had almost this exact conversation with them too many times. Tony Montana is about the least sensical person to lionize or emulate in anyway.

That would be all CGI these days. And it would suck.