
Everyone should watch Detroiters in the meantime. 

Will we get an apology from Tenreyro for that piece of shit column about this?

LOL Of course Barsanti is who they call on to double-down on this bullshit, and of course he gets just as much wrong about the actual truth, how shit unfolded, and Kemper’s apology.

Your dismissal of the entirety of Good News makes me sad. Obviously its not Moon and Antarctica, but it is a good album.

As a lesbian, shut up. I am all for bringing down anyone that contributes to the culture of abusing women and being gay or a woman does not save you from that. Almost 50 people talked to Buzzfeed for this article. That’s 5% of the people who have ever worked there. If 5% of the workforce knew something Ellen didnt,

She starts with the laughs coming a mile a minute, teeing up jokes and then knocking them out the park

Nah, they truly demonstrated the cosmic indifference and cyclical nature of “the game” by having a little hopper, Kenard, be the one to kill Omar.....It was a smart move on their behalf. 

Congratulations! You sir have achieved the one millionth unfunny toilet paper joke of the pandemic!

The Office: ... The Greatest Sitcom Of The 2000s

The most bootable offense of all time.

“Even the advertisements between segments are entertaining.”

I quote everything, and often cartoons I grew up with, but the most is easily  Jurassic Park. I’ve found in my life this movie has something for every situation.

Did anybody not have a “No Oddjob” rule?

But, bodega grapes. That makes her relatable, right?

At least you could understand Norm’s jokes. Quinn always sounded like he was reading the cards for the very first time, and he was terrible at pronouncing any new names or places. By the time he’d mumbled his way through, you’d already finished the joke in your head.

Now playing

I co-sign with these two guys, and here is my contribution. I also watched a couple of seasons of Silicon Valley before Middleditch was on CBB and I realized he could be hysterically funny when unleashed. I’ve seen them live twice, too, both great shows.

He was Teen Pope.

I’ve played no 2019 games this year but I have been playing God of War, and I honestly think it’s one of my favorite games ever - the story and the characters are some of the best I’ve ever seen in a videogame.

That bit where you’re jumping back and forth in time is incredible.

No sex slaves for Mack, but she got to be first in line at the breakfast buffet everyday, so swings and roundabouts.