
I think the best comparison to this shit show is Dan Snyder of the Washington football team, it’s almost the same exact story. Are you out there giving long winded posts to his defense as well?  Because the guy fostered the toxic culture and is a piece of shit, and I'm willing to bet Ellen is as well.

Norms delivery is 50 times better then Quinn's, as were his jokes

Don’t worry folks, Klines disease isn't real.

Agreed, and it made me appreciate how they did weddings on “Parks and Rec” way more.  

I believe he had a legitimate attempt or two last year.

Has Hard Knocks changed your opinion on the Raiders at all?  I find myself liking Gruden way more than I thought I would.

I keep waiting for the joke which sadly never came...

As an Eagles fan growing up in Skins country, AMEN.  Skins fans still act like they’re among the all time great franchise’s while not realizing they probably have 30 more years of suck in front of them.


This is a really dumb take. Yea because Butler and Harris were given to us for free, right?  The Sixers didn't use any of the assets they got from the process years to get those guys?  

I get where you're coming from, but one of my first times hearing them was seeing them live at a festival and they opened with "cousins" which turned my shit into shit.  I was sold after that.

Dudley went to stick up for his teammate”

I bet he came up with that killer headline and couldn’t force himself not to use it.

This tweet gave me the spins.

I’ll use the EVA-8 if I don't have a shotgun bolt, but I'll switch to Peacekeeper as soon as I come across a level 2 bolt or better.

This has been a big issue on the AV club for a while. I forget who reviewed last season of Atlanta, but they docked the Barbershop episode because they saw the title and were disappointed the whole episode didn’t focus on the actual barbershop. That episode, imo, is one of the tops of the season and the reviewer

The Yoda legendary penis line legit made me laugh til I couldn't breath.  That sketch was really good.

Stories like this put that whole Serena meltdown in her match against Osaka in perspective.  

Under this line of thinking, Reggie White is solely a Packet HoF’er, and I’m not willing to make that trade.

Exactly. I hate the ad, not for the message, but because it came from a such a soulless place, advertising.