
So you had to Google the answer, boo fucking hoo. I didn’t have the slightest clue what the answer was either, but I didn’t mind looking it up and learning a bit of foreign trivia in the process. How exactly does getting asked a dumb trivia question that’s not in your spectrum of knowledge hurt the experience? It’s a

I need this. My character does not express the hopelessness I like to see in my avatars.

Next up: 3DO Unicron, Bumble Bee Gameboy, Intellivision Soundwave, Star Scream Virtual Boy, Dreamcast Rodimus Prime, Atari 2600 Devastator, Oculus Rift Perceptor, Grimlock Jaguar, Sega CD Smokescreen, NES Bruticus, Onslaught Advance, Piranacon Tiger Electronic Game (Ok, I'm stretching it with that one. I'll stop

What the fuck is this sellout bullshit?

Hey, let's look at the guy who didn't read the second paragraph of a two-paragraph story!

In the same vein...this needs to be re-released soon.

It's time to say it. Look, video gamers. I am sure you are all good, fine people, but please leave your crap out of our shows about ponies. Every time I turn around its video games this, video games that. All the forums I read are plague by video games. Give it a rest, you deviants.

I'm crying.

I agree in some points but mostly disagree. Sales are good for giving a game a second life or if an unknown didn't get the attention the first time around. I think its not true what he said about lack of big launch sales, at least when it comes to big AAA games. And lotsa indie titles are going the crowdfunding route.

"We don't play beyond the first 10%. There is not a single game in my steam collection I've finished. Not ONE. And I almost always buy full price. There are many games I've played for under 30 minutes, some for under 10 minutes. They may have wonderful endings, who cares? I have another X games sat there I can

Approved. Carry on.

Oh loook... a console peasant. Ill get back to you when the PC version is released and looks more or less the same UNTIL the PC community releases mods and helps it look like something that consoles would crap their pants at.

No, you're not "just here enjoying my game", you're online posting in a comment section taking a shot at the "mustard race". I for one love taking shots at the mustard race, but don't pretend you're an innocent little snowflake being harangued by the big-bad PC gamers.

They're generally hunched over in the game, while this one has excellent posture

Why even make dolls if for accurate ordinary depictions?

You like the Pippin that much, eh?