
That's hilarious. Motherfucker looks like he's angrily starting a faulty lawnmower.

Tailgate? More like tail-ate.

It's cool how her blond hairs know how to be blond and her brown hairs know how to just stay out of their way.

"It's hard to imagine any team picking him up this late in the season, or ever again for that matter."

Is this just fantasy?

I guess you could say he shocked all of us.

A friend who hates basketball figures they should automatically assign each team 100 points and just have them play for two minutes. I can see the Knicks running up the score on the Sixers in that period of time, but no way Philadelphia score more than two or three buckets.

I fail to see what time lapse photography of Ellen Degeneres has anything to do with Bill Simmons.

Sad robot on a bench reads the book about Rose's injury history.

Asked what time she expected him to arrive, Ms. Rhimes replied "not really sureā€”he's tough to nail down."

What the fuck is Olli Jokinen looking at?
(seconded Pepperoni Pizza, that's flat out amazing.)

That is God damn amazing.

Thank you.

So he got fired?

"beaten like animals"? Who is beating animals into a coma? That seems like a really odd way to describe what happened here.

You can't just turn Bob Costas into a verb.

Any man caught actin' as an agent of or at the direction of the NFL or the Baltimore Ravens spends a night in the box.

You call this a story? Please. Nothing but dickbait.

Ok, this Ice Bucket shit needs to end.