
Are you an anthropologist by any chance? This is the sort of argument usually only people who've studied the paths of invention are able to come up with — I mean that in the best possible way.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I thought "wow now I don't feel like a glorious superhero, I feel like some sort of unstable potentially dangerous freak" and then I realized that's EXACTLY how Cole must be feeling at that time too. I can't think of a single game that so effortlessly puts you in the character's shoes that

Of course not. How do you not end up massacring dogs in real life? Watch where you're driving and don't fling grenades around. Do the same in GTA 5 if it bothers you that much.

Maybe they're tired of the horse armor meme after having so many people keep bringing it up for the past five years? Makes perfect sense to me.

I have, it looks gorgeous. Hell, I played it in 480i on an old HDTV (which doesn't have HDMI in so I had to use composite cables) and it still looked great.

...the console visuals are crappy? Says who?

Which one of these would I use if I want to listen to Cynic?

it's because all the fangirls think Snape is OMG ROMANTIC for lusting after a girl who never wanted anything to do with him and continuing to watch her from afar and eventually abuse her son in retribution for the closure he never got from said girl.

well it could have somehow interfered with his other fingers or caused him some other form of problem like infections or something. like if all the fingers grew normally but this one grew fused with another or something or made his palm misshapen

this guy should take up the guitar, if only because he could do some utterly preposterous solos. hello ten-finger tapping!

Not a fan of the missing red section, because now he looks too Dr. Manhattan for my taste.

no I mean like. the hell is going on in that cover? I can't even talk about it without using profanity, dammit

pardon my French but what the fuck is this

Come on, Giz, you can do better than this. This article is titled like a Cracked article, except without the content. Is it racist to refer from people from China as Chinese? Is it really? And 1/8th of the "bizarre, intriguing, and otherwise cool" things was only notable for how boring it was?

I've been in a plane that was struck by lightning once. Apparently there was just a flash, a really loud noise, and some minor shaking. I slept through it. Not really a big deal at all.

Apparently our commenters aren't that smart. Some stuff that people say isn't supposed to be taken literally.

He certainly looks like a guy who would hospitalize you if you stepped on him. Nice reference btw.

Could you please provide some context or explanation to what we're seeing in this picture?