
What if you're playing a female Sheperd?

what was the new review system?

at least the Megadeth song is absolutely killer.

ahahaha how poorly drawn is that ass though


I don't understand the problem, really. I got sick of Gizmodo a long time ago and finally quit but there's nothing glaringly awful about Kotaku except that article about BF3 being homophobic.

what is your problem, exactly? I'm curious to know.

wait why, I've heard nothing but good things about Twin Snakes but never played it

"Truth is, not everyone has $250 for a top-of-the-line pair of headphones and it's a bit arrogant to assume they do."

can anyone? it's a prototype, don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

I think I remember a big to-do about it on here several years ago; they rectified the problem with a new version of the screen, which might explain the lack of Amazon reviews?

I used to be one of those PC assholes who turned their nose up at the thought of ever playing an FPS that was available on PC on a console. I even wanted to hold out for the PC version of BF3, because it was better in so many actually measurable ways.

An internet petition actually working? Love it! The kind of developers that are willing to make things like this happen after the community asks for it are the kind that I like to support as much as I can.

Did I click on The Onion by mistake? There's no way I just read a legitimate article on a once-respected tech blog.

Oh, okay. Dunno, don't really know much about the real-life vehicles, so I will defer to your knowledge here

probably because it's OP. I mean, that's a hell of a vehicle right there, probably very difficult to balance

given your music taste, I can see why! I banned my friend from playing any more songs from The Who on my drum kit after Won't Be Fooled Again because that one was a killer, haha

Don't worry, it's Gizmodo's job to tell you what's good and what's not good, and there's no room for your own opinion. See other articles if you don't believe it.

Technically, the hack is to enable an existing feature, not the feature itself.

Every time you use "just works" in an argument, said argument becomes invalid.