manifold danger

Shut up.

This is great. Subscribed.

Good one. That’s a good one.

So apparently a nutless monkey can be a Gizmodo “Investigative reporter” and “FOIA enthusiast”.

This article fails to mention a lot, but what it boils down to is that companies like Carbon Black (and many, many others... but at least one that was mentioned earlier was inaccurately included) rely heavily on cloud-based “multi-scanning” as a key component of their detection engine, because they don’t have the


“This is why products from companies like CarbonBlack, Cylance, Tanium, Crowdstrike and the rest all have options to upload binaries to VT”

In this we agree. HOAs are the worst.

At least there’s some inclusion, I guess?

Do you know what address obscure tax documents for the street you live on are mailed to?

And how does that help in any way? Being “taken advantage of” by rich people applies universally, why is it only ok if it doesn’t apply to poor people (in this particular instance)?

Coming from random internet commenter-types, that is a legitimate compliment.

No, of course he wasn’t, because he wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for the space anyway.

Guilt? Not even close. Tired of social justice warriors’ hypocrisy when they celebrate the same shit they claim to be so offended by when it happens to them.

You’re the piece of shit that rooted up the yard in your rented house and wondered why your landlord was pissed.

The fact that you put so much thought into thinking about how you would enjoy making other people’s lives miserable- for no other reason than they’re more fortunate than you- probably does a lot to explain why you’re not rich yourself.

It might be rich to you? But it’s not fucking rich. Not even close.

Nope, fuck all of you commie pieces of shit because said rich people will never ride the subway, so they shouldn’t. fucking. be. paying. for it. If it’s such a big deal and you want to fix deteriorating public transportation, reroute funding from other shit, or fuck, even tax everyone. Don’t arbitrarily tax people

It’s just your comment buddy. It’s not you.

I won’t star this because I don’t want you to kill yourself.