manifold danger

Totally fair assessment, I’ll step back my millennial entitlement rant from a few posts ago. I actually get crazy annoyed when PC specific games don’t have adequate controller support (see: Mass Effect 1/2/3).

Antivirus only looks for known threats. Frighteningly more often than not, this comes down to a basic hash value. At around 400k “new” (known) malware samples hitting the internet every single day, it’s impossible for AV vendors to scale to that capacity.

So you just don’t like ports in general.

It’s pretty clear he doesn’t enjoy using it if he complains about it, eh?

Sure, let’s play something like the Arkham Batman games or Witcher 3, while you get carpal tunnel I’ll be sitting on my couch.

Ok now that my rant is over let me try to reason with you... you need to give it a shot. There’s really nothing to “learn”; there are literal toddlers playing console games effectively. Controllers are far more intuitive than “press ; for fire magic” nonsense that most 3rd person adventure/rpg games will put you

CP, literally could have had one just like this for $7k a few months ago. Interestingly enough the car was in Wisconsin, 4-speed red firebird with some significant work done to it. I have to wonder if this is actually the same car but this one seems just a bit more clean and complete... and for $35k you should be able

This is incomprehensibly stupid.

“Dislikes controllers”

Fuck this Eric Holthaus guy, man. Fuck him straight to hell.

Why did I have to scroll down so far just to ask why the author can’t just shut the fuck up and be entertained?

This is stupid. Times have changed. It is not the 80s or 90s anymore.

It looks like a miata with 996 headlights.

Still wondering why they decided to give the 996 those headlights.

Sucks for all involved, but don’t act like if they hadn’t brought it up it wouldn’t have been called out either. “Seattle PD plays video games after tragic shooting, doesn’t say anything about it.”

Don’t give up.

lol all I needed to know.

You left out the part where all dynos are not created equally.

It doesn’t look like any damage was severe enough to permanently cripple the car, but man do I hate seeing these cars abused by fucktards like this.

Your comment is definitely more original than the design.