manifold danger

This is just stupid. A Tesla as anything more than a silly gimmick of an enthusiast car is an absolute joke.


Or it just went over your head.

You spent way too much time and effort articulating your life story. Maybe you shouldn’t let your own expectations dictate how much you enjoy something?

It confuses me how people just seem to try so hard to not allow themselves to be entertained.

You’ve got serious fucking problems man.

For someone who suspects strangers on the internet of being retarded, I would have expected you to be smarter...

So many people are forgetting that the Cavs have been on the road the better part of a month, and the Warriors haven’t even played a game since Thursday.

Not the same. Stop trying to create controversy.

The DLC is arguably the best part.

How about stop being an annoying attention-whore hipster douche and just shut the fuck up and enjoy a great game.

Consider he may not have a commute? Although I travel regionally in my car a decent amount I work from home so I’m not on the road every day so my mileage stays pretty low. I’ve had my car for 16 months or so and put 20k on it. I don’t hesitate to drive it when I feel like it.

Putin figured out a way to let this country’s idiotic divisiveness destroy itself from within.

You’re part of the problem.

No, not if all you do is park hard or roll through your local Walmart parking lot on Saturday night I suppose you’re right.

I get it, I do... after almost 2 years with a DCT my next car will almost certainly have a manual. However, when you say “street cars”, what exactly do you mean? A Lamborghini? While I’d say it’s tough to argue that a (typical) Lamborghini is a race car, you have to consider what it’s measured by. Especially in

Yeah you definitely need to lighten up.

Maybe you just need to lighten up?

Good hate piece.

So many words, with such a frustrated tone. The data extracted for this article is an end result; there’s no context behind it. As a result, the analysis is worthless.