manifold danger

Does the 135 have a DCT?


I refuse to watch any motor trend trash.

Nothing preventing you from having your opinion, just let it be known that it doesn’t matter in the slightest.

Sounds like luck had a lot to do with that.

I have a pair as well and they’re probably better sounding than the Astro A50s but for some reason I’m the only one on the planet who can’t wear them for more than 30 minutes without my ears screaming back at me. My ears are definitely larger than average but I was pretty disappointed... at least my 11 year old son


Here’s an idea-

This post makes me feel extra conservative, and probably borderline misogynist today.

34 year old C6 driver... Who won’t be in the market for a NEW vette for another 20 years.

This is bullshit.

Guess my nerd cred can be revoked, because WHAT THE FUCK IS A ROGUELIKE.

Have you driven one?

You really need to ask yourself why you feel uncomfortable.

Get a DAC for your “really good headphones”, which is what you should have done by now anyway. Problem solved.

Christ you are terrifyingly stupid.

We’re gonna get along great.

You enjoy talking about yourself, I get it. And I just knew you’d hit me with the “durrr it’s a comment section durrr”.

Always gets down to something about YOU doesn’t it?

No, you’re just dumb. This comment has no substance. Everyone who plays games would be thrilled to have it look nicer.