Unfortunately, they’d rather sell 30k of SUVs for 40k each.
The Model Y is ugly. It literally looks like a model 3 that was vertically scaled by 1.5. Same with the X.
I can’t wait for this awful “Hunchback SUV” craze goes away.
“basically have an unlimited payload capacity”
I agree. Walking sucks, and so does forcing people to pay $9 a day. There needs to be some sort of annual pass or something.
Anything not Tesla.
Maybe alienating your biggest customer base isn’t quite the genius marketing strategy Elon thought it was.
New cars cars?
This is the guy that would run into the burning building and throw you out the 3rd floor window headfirst to save you.
Probably because his original plan of using for school flooring fell through.
Yeah, attempts to idiot proof our products has led to some pretty dumb decisions by management.
Originally, it was a buzzing bush that Moses thought was god talking to him, but after having to dive in the lake to escape the angry bees, he lied and made up the burning bush story to save face.
“Carter’s most enduring legacy will be this: He tried to leave America a little better than he found it.”
This is about as good an idea as spraying the roads with dioxin to keep the dust down.
Florida: “You think we can’t be any worse? Hold my beer!”
What happens when they inevitably have to chop the thing up in 30 places to put new utility lines under it? Radioactive dust anyone?
I want to like it, but that big crease bugs the heckoutta me.
Yeah, amazing potential to cost a lot of jobs and make even more record profits for the companies running them. The only reason they aren’t making them now is because self driving cars are crap.
That’s why I just stay home.