Manic Otti

Funny how Trump’s shitty tax plan giving the rich a 10% (tax cut) raise and cutting the corporate tax nearly in half was fine, but giving regular people a raise? Forget about it! But they still want to keep the tax cuts too!

Giving poor people more money just gives them more to waste, so it’s better to just keep it for them!

What’s the point of giving the 1% a giant tax cut if they are just going to have to pay their employees more!  Unfair!

I have no problem paying an extra $0.40 so employees can get paid decently.

Haha, but I’m not fat, so they are misprofiling me.

Yeah, I’m all about the browning...

Forgetting my lunch break is not ever a problem with me.

I tend to watch anything that I’m heating a very small amount of in the microwave pretty closely. It’s very easy to overdo it.

No one ever gets their chicks for free.

The psychological trauma of having to throw away half an order of fries is why I’m so angry, but a large fries is way too many fries for any human to eat in one sitting, especially combined with a burger.

and Tesla is supposed to sell something they think is a truck.”

(In the AWD version.)

“ Your house is on fire.

At least that errs on the side of charging you less (something they would never try to do).

I think maybe it’s a local problem then..

No, they want to assume what makes them the most money on upsizing.

I mean, I’d imagine most people would just eat the whole thing, then complain about it being too much, whereas I actually did throw an entire half drink and half a large order of fries in the trash.

Yes, this totally ruins the flow of ordering.

But if you simply as for a combo by name or number, the default size is medium.”

Ok, ok, but it didn’t really take off until he got involved. Yeah, they made a funky roadster that didn’t sell that well, then sort of did nothing for a while until he came along.