Manic Otti

I hate crowds almost as much as my wife.”

They’re designed this way on purpose. Ships that sit lower and more stable in the water tend to rock and return to vertical quickly and cause seasickness, where the higher center of gravity of cruise ships creates a slower rolling effect, at the expense of stability.

You would think that launching a new ship, especially with everything that’s happened, they would have went out of their way to make sure to vaccinate everybody, as this is pretty bad press for the cruise industry in general, and them specifically. I would have required everyone that sailed be vaccinated in advance.

Pretty much the bottom of the American publics list of buying criteria.

I think there are 2 kinds of people not vaccinated at this point:

I was there the other day and considered the new crinkle fries, but went with the curly fries. Not sure why I’d want them instead.

You couldn’t get me to go on a cruise if you paid me.

Meh, this is basically a V6 Camry with an ugly grille.

Nice! I actually like this body style better than the one that came both before and after it.

Still an improvement.

Yeah, I’ll wait for the price to cut by half. FD has a rep for delivering half baked shallow content that focuses on never ending engineering grind and microtransactions, I’m not spending $40 on this as it will be fun for a week, then get repetitive.

To be honest, I forgot these were even a thing. I had a friend that always used to order them because they usually had to make them to order and they were always hot and fresh. I told him it was people like him that were holding up the line at the drive thru.

Goo Gone is great stuff.

That takes a lot of nerve to steal a man’s sausage, then land nearby and turn your back on him while you wolf it down.


Also I think he forgets how it ended...

Which is stupid, because the covid side effects can be way worse.

There are rare occasions where being alert won’t help, like if you’re sitting at a traffic light and someone runs into you.

Now I know who’s dinner invitation to turn down. : P

Actually, it would be pretty easy to scoop out regular bagels for these.  I may actually try that.