
They got a warrant, so my first question is how. Tracking loved ones trying to find someone with outstanding warrants sounds a little over-reaching, but we live in the post patriot act days so you can get a warrant for anyone doing anything if you attach a few key words to it. 

Here’s the product: its called “standard” and its 110 octane leaded

Bottas’ standing in the race was so bad that he had very little to lose by fighting, even if it ended his race.”

The unlapping sorta makes sense, you dont want the order of cars to be traffic in the front, and if you are going to resort the cars you might as well have the back ones do a lap rather than the front ones moving forward

I wish I added a #5, for the stewards thought it was safe enough to pass under DRS and enabled it. Bottas is getting crap for being part of the collision, which honestly I cant tell if thats worse then ending in P10 in a Merc in Toto’s eyes. It took both drivers for this to happen, and they work together, they go to

‘Lets not race because that guy might try to kill me, and therefore I’m stupid to let him try and kill me’. That’s just too far out there even for me to believe. 

No one carries Leaded gas at the pumps anymore because it’s not in demand.”

I don’t know the numbers, but if I had to ballpark it there are a million+ in prison right now for drug offenses that would go away if we had federally legalized a bunch of them.

There should be a special league setup for rich kids, the rules would be created by Jigsaw from the Saw horror movie series. I’d watch that.

The road is find to be on, the painted lines/curb was not since water was pooled up there. Bottas had no problem controlling his car 2ft more left after he pushed as far right as he could. 

O, you mean like the i3 that everyone hates cause its ugly?

I wasnt showing off my Mustang’s ecoboost power with traction control off while pulling the hand brake, I was fleeing the people with the cameras that were crowding me.”

Please reply with the bugs_bunny_sawing_florida_off.gif

1000% this. Ignoring everything about the incident, the CEO using Twitter to give details about the crash is bad. 

After 2 races its clear the biggest rich-daddy-syndrome driver is MaySpin

  • Did Russell take a risk on a damp track. YES

Its officially pronounced May-Spin in this household.

I see “Humanely” too, was it recommended to cannibals? Asking for a friend. 

Proper standards are great, but the car really needs to understand EVERYTHING. And the biggest challenge is temporary emergency stuff that we read and comprehend and comply to, the car needs to know what to read, how to interpret it, and what actions to take.

Im a little baffled by this one: