Isn’t ‘TOTAL WITCH HUNT’ that new reality show on ABC? Maybe he’s making a cameo.
Isn’t ‘TOTAL WITCH HUNT’ that new reality show on ABC? Maybe he’s making a cameo.
i can’t even be mad. i clicked into this article. i read it. i did this to me.
The idea of “merit based immigration” is also funny coming from the “they’re taking our jobs!” crowd. Like, sure, you can give visas to people who have computer engineering degrees- but there are already Americans who have those degrees and want to work in that field. There aren’t tons of Americans who want to spend…
The testimony about Nicki Minaj’s brother is brutal. That poor child. No one should ever have to live through that, and no one should be forced to testify in court. I hope he’s locked up and they throw away the key.
I mean, it’s called the fucking U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS! It’s not even a thing you had to have learned at any point that it’s part of the U.S., it’s right there in the name.
I know right, it’s really hard to remember the 50 states, let alone any territories. 50 States, 50 of them, that a very big number, that’s a lot; you throw in territories and it starts to get even more confusing. Besides it’s not his job to know that kind of stuff, it’s his job to make America great, and he’s doing…
Seven years of campaigning against Obamacare, and the best the great negotiator can do despite having all of congress controlled by his party is an executive order. Pathetic.
Democrats, rather than enjoying watching Republicans crash and burn their dangerous healthcare repeal bills, are apparently validating whiny Republicans by drafting a compromise bill behind-the-scenes.
“Jon Huntsman has been named the ambassador to Russia.”
To be fair, I get where they’re coming from. When my partner and I get married, we’re not going to be doing it for the enormous financial benefits, legal benefits or out of sheer love. We’ve decided we’re going to get married specifically so we can oppress the freedoms of Christian bakers. That’s just how we roll.
It’s something I’ve noticed, particularly with this disaster. Trump has an inability to recognize the humanity of anyone. He does not see actual people, nor can he recognize their experience. He thinks he’s doing good, being a cheerleader- ALL POSITIVE STUFF, GOOD TEAM WORK, GOOD, THE BEST!!!- but what people actually…
We had a talking parrot when I was a kid and they are so incredibly smart. He would yell “shut the door” whenever anyone left the house and learned to count in English and Spanish from watching Sesame Street with me. His language skills were incredible and he actually adapted and learned. My mom hated him and always…
Is that grandma actually knitting while sitting in three feet of water in a wheel chair? Daaaamn, Meemaw! No one needs a sweater that bad!
How about a civil war hero like Mary Elizabeth Bowser, who was a free black woman who was a spy for the union, posed as a slave and worked in Jefferson Davis’ household? She was a key figure because she shared confederate military plans/strategy with union military figures. Davis knew there was a leak/spy but never…
My vote is for “Loving Highway” after Mildred and Richard Loving of “Loving v. Virginia” fame. Also “loving highway” has a sort of poetical justice in replacing “that old asshole racist highway.”
Holy shit, it is. I thought you were joking, but it’s totally an acrostic. I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of arts majors to write a resignation letter.
The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”
Thank You...
if you want to still see his tweets you can follow:
69 should be on that list too. it’s not comfortable, you get a face full of bits that can be awkward to navigate (especially if you’re on the bottom), and no one’s attention is really fully on the task at hand so both people just get half-assed (pun intended) oral.