Right wing asshole politician:
Right wing asshole politician:
Except the customers and the rest stop get screwed out of choices on the busiest day of the week. Something you are desperately and dishonestly deflecting from. Telling me you have a stupid scripted argument.
Since most alcohol brands are owned by a very small number of conglomerates, this is more of a market differentiation issue as opposed to an actual threat to their businesses.
Which is fine for the rest stop and shitty for the hordes of customers using it. A waste of space better utilized by people who are going to be open on the busiest day of the week.
Meaning a good portion of the limited retail/restaurant space of the rest stop goes to waste on its busiest day. Making it unsuitable for the location. You were better off not responding than to say something so silly.
“other than the fact they aren’t open sundays”
“Sunday issue’s aside”
You’re kidding? Because there is such a dearth of fast food companies in NY State? Nope. The only reason that company was chosen was likely political/bribery. Upstate NY is far more “red” and dysfunctional than out of staters are likely to know about. They are totally unsuitable for a rest stop whose busiest time…
Except on the busiest day of the week for a NY Thruway rest stop.
My guess is bribery and the corrupt nature of upstate right wing politicians contributing to this clusterfuck. Chick-Fil-A had no business at a highway rest stop, especially one that gets such high volume.
Cutwater canned cocktails tend to be a bit on the harsh side compared to human mixed ones. Their White Russian tastes like they used lighter fluid instead of vodka. Their Paloma, Tequila Soda and Bloody Mary are probably their most drinkable.
“ The same way a lot of evangelicals adopt babies from third-world countries in order to Christianize and save them”
So he’s laundering money.
There is nobody more dishonest than right wing fetus worshipers. Of course they don’t like people to get out and vote. Their views are so repugnant to common sense that they can only survive by apathy of others.
The right to travel is inherent to the 14th Amendment. Fetus worshipers are aiming for a modern equivalent of the Fugitive Slave Act. Which goes well with their concept that women are property of the state.
Fetus worshipers are fundamentally lying sacks of excrement. They all want total abortion bans. Its just a matter of timing and what they think they can get away with saying at the moment.
“No Labels” being Republicans with a slight sense of shame