Moderate compared to neo-nazis is worthless. He would have zero problems throwing in with the crazier elements of his party.
Moderate compared to neo-nazis is worthless. He would have zero problems throwing in with the crazier elements of his party.
He’s still a bigoted lying piece of shit and nowhere near the moderate the right wing claims to be. But you’re right. if you don’t want scum like him, VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.
The world needs more Uncle Baby Billy
Calvin Coolidge used to be the most corrupt. Now he is downgraded to the most corrupt of the 20th Century.
Fetus worshipers are lying immoral garbage. (I refuse to call these sociopaths “Pro-Life” and “Anti-Choice” is clunky)
Good people make good food.
Firmer and more bouncy than a usual donut.
Only major drawback to mochi donuts are their short shelf life. Any longer than 2 days after you buy them they lose their bounce.
My feelings are that anti-abortion are immoral lying scum who can go fuck themselves. They do not have a point of view worthy of consideration and their efforts deliberately harm women. Again, this would likely not have happened if not for the deliberate attacks on the infrastructure of women’s health. There is no…
So we are talking about a pregnancy which likely would have been terminated earlier if the state wasn’t so hostile to women’s healthcare and personhood.
Its tragic because abortion bans are a fucking atrocity to rule of law.
The Flash writers missed the whole “blended into the next one” and “tie it all up in the end”. So it was a disjointed mess. Worst of all, they didn’t even have Cisco in the finale.
Mainstream media is all about playing up “both sides” to create content.
Season 4 is a masterclass for writing genre TV!
Which is basically a neo-nazi who thinks they will be part of an elite class.
A show of hands for Boebert.
Boebert was escorted out of the theater. Which is not the first time Boebert has escorted.
Boebert was escorted out of the theater. Which is not the first time Boebert has escorted.
When on vacation, my wife and I are crazy early risers. Watching the sunrise in a different place from our home is kind of a thing for us. She doesn’t have much of a physical tolerance for booze, so nightlife is usually out. So we usually do early dinners or whatever the local equivalent of a tapas crawl is.