
Wilem Defoe was Tharking awesome. 

I guess the sewers are just dump everything in the city's wake. Always think about where the poo goes in a fantasy world. Good ones can explain it. 

A few thoughts:

Murder puppetry is more complicated and uses more people than the ten minutes in makeup effects for the kaupe. Man that looks cheap.

I was just enjoying the meta pun of cereal killers.

I have a soft spot for "Cold War" because of gratuitous David Warner and Clara looked so adorable in a Soviet naval uniform. 

Lena had more chemistry with Mon El in their brief alien shotgun wedding two seasons ago than she had with Jimmy.

James is a distraction from Lena’s true love, Kara.

Between three super-powered aliens at Thanksgiving the only reason there were any leftovers was the fact dinner was interrupted.

My guess is holding them until Constantine comes by. 

1. Of course Mick is the one who suggests a giant lizard to Honda. The guy is a pop culture sponge.

It's OK our president isn't either. Hence his complete ineptitude in the position. He ran as a joke and didn't expect to win. 

Because at this point "Any Responsible Adult" is the front runner in 2020.

We’re done with First Ladies running for president as well as reality TV show stars, "businessmen" and baby boomers.  

She is an android who easily disassembles

+100 Internets for Blonde Venus reference. 

Nick Cave is also frankly a terrifying looking guy when he wants to be. They fear him.

That would be Jodie Whitaker.

Monarch: You surgically altered him to look like Dave Grohl?

This season with its overtly political storyline and dark plot turns needs more than anything else: one episode where Supergirl and Braniac5 meet Mtzylplyk and/or The Music Meister.