Ilya Faybi

Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

All I got out of this floppy-dick-wagging was a modest desire to Google image search “Helen Yee.”

As a fellow Arsenal fan I am frankly shocked you believe that soccer gods exist or are anything other than capricious dickheads

Just so you know, that’s a massively stupid argument.

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

What’s up with the Derek Zoolander attire?

Certain Jalopnik commenters: “Cars are so boring nowadays! I want fun cars!”

I don’t know if I can answer your question authoritatively as I only began following football in earnest in the early-mid 2000s, but I think the answer to your question is “yes,” but with two contextual caveats:

1) Wenger came into English football when its style was notably archaic compared against that played on the

Why did I even watch that. #somanybadtakes My favorite is “any team that’s been around since the 1900s has a lot of fans.”

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. These are still the best earbuds I’ve ever had. I have four pairs. I use no others. They’re $10.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. These are still the best earbuds I’ve ever had. I have four pairs. I use no others.

That’s true, but perhaps Cashman is taking a page out of Epstein’s Cub playbook: good bats are harder to come by than good arms. Given the inflated strikeout totals and fragility of young arms, good young bats are a safer and valuable bet than arms. Epstein rationalized that he could always get arms when he needed to,

*eyeroll* Sounds like your roommate’s girlfriend’s friend’s are a bunch of muppets. Most photographers using Hasselblad outside of fashion (an industry made up of clueless muppets but it’s ok because they only need to work for each other) are doing so in studios where technical control over color reproduction,

A little over $13,000 for a body and two lenses is mighty damned cheap for Hasselblad-branded photo gear.


3 recommendations on my post and counting, tits calmed