I can't imagine why anyone would buy an iPod that wasn't an iPod Touch. Come on, it's smaller than a wallet and does practically anything you can imagine if there's a wi-fi connection handy. Why bother with anything else?
I can't imagine why anyone would buy an iPod that wasn't an iPod Touch. Come on, it's smaller than a wallet and does practically anything you can imagine if there's a wi-fi connection handy. Why bother with anything else?
Who the fuck made you God? Just shrivel up and die already. You've made it quite clear that you won't evolve along with the rest of the world, so that's your only option. Stop buggy-whipping your way into relevance.
Free market, pft. All the helium companies will merge, create a monopoly, and sell helium for FIVE hundred dollars.
If they wanted a truly vicious bear, they should have stepped up to the grizzly. Black bears are naturally timid... they're the ones that you can (usually) chase off with loud shouts and lots of frantic arm-waving. The brown bears are the real tough customers... they're larger, more carnivorous, and will sooner…
They forgot this:
@Zach W. R. Mollett: Everyone wants money, but they have an obligation to make it FAIRLY. Conspiring against another industry to sell your buggy whips doesn't qualify. Also, this doesn't do a damned bit of good to the consumer, who will be expected to pay for these FM chips whether they have any use for them or not.
Be careful with the Amazon Video on Demand deal... I entered the code, purchased the first season of Psych, and was charged $13.86 anyway. The ten dollars is in a promotional balance rather than taken off the total of the videos as it should be.
Gee, what ever happened to "Trust the free market! No gubbamint interference?" How quickly that goes out the window when there's money to be made.
@Theres_a_zombie_on_your_lawn: That was my first thought as well.
I was going to make a snarky comment about how you were telling us to quit Facebook a couple of months ago, but I was suddenly accosted by a half-dozen pop-up windows telling me to post this on Twitter, and found a new thing to complain about. What the hell, man?!
@Batmanuel: "Damn near?" Give it time, my good sir. Soon they'll blame Obama for everything, drum him out of office, and pick up where they left off.
Knock it off, jerks, you'll ruin the blocks by digging shovels into them!
@cruzer555: Wow, what a fanboy. ITV claimed the name first... they have the right to defend it. Apple *doesn't* have the exclusive right to stamp "i" on everything and claim it as their property.
Apple is a frightening company. They had the same dispute with Apple Corps decades ago. The Beatles told them in no uncertain terms that they absolutely, positively could not release music products under that brand name. Then Macs got a sound card capable of CD-quality audio in the 1990s, and the iPod series…
@NotEuroTrash: Hell, you might as well just give them this advice while you're at it.
@NotEuroTrash: Hey, I'm American and I think this is just as stupid as everyone else.
@LocalStain: Sounds like he got 'em dead on to me.
@anoteoftruth: Ayn Rand had a penis! She was like the villain from Ace Ventura, except an even less credible female.
@DangerousLiberal: All the people who listened to Rush as teens have long since traded their youth for beer bellies and bald spots. Hell, I'm in my thirties, well outside the classic Rush splash zone, and I'm suffering from both.
(Gets into a car and spells out "FUCK NO")