Once Google's finished, the other 4/5ths of the country won't use it either.
Once Google's finished, the other 4/5ths of the country won't use it either.
@Always Sunny In Flipadelphia: Over at Atari, I think they called him Ho Chi Mihn because of his beard and Buddhist leanings.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Ah, but sometimes the lowest hanging fruit is also the ripest.
Mark Turd. Yeah, I laughed.
You have to pay to get into a national park now? Boy, that privatization is a real bitch.
@cubist_zirconia: Thank you! A "new platform" is actually a dealbreaker for me, because it limits compatibility and forces me to select from a smaller pool of licensed software. That's good enough for, say, an MP3 player, but not for a serious handheld computing device. x86 or GTFO, kthx.
@mstngo: Weaksauce argument, man. Perhaps you missed the memo about PDF exploits on the iPhone series of devices.
@Michael Scrip: Actually, yes you can. Windows has had virtual keyboard support in its accessibility options for years.
@Zonky: What, you don't think the touchscreen could be adapted to work as a mouse? Even if it can't be, there should be a USB port on the bottom of this thing. Just plug a mouse in there.
If it's a Windows 7 pad, it's going to have the huge advantage of compatibility. Rather than the walled garden approach of Apple, you'd have the option to run practically everything Windows supports, including thousands upon thousands of free applications. (Unless this is a flavor of Windows CE, in which case all…
@BigManMalone: You know who was REALLY evil? Ayn Rand.
Oh yeah, it's up to the policymakers. Until you sue them whenever they try to do their jobs. Get bent, Schmidt-head.
@junior ghoul: Motherfucking proxies, man. Hackers will find around this... they always will.
As if we don't know how THIS is going to turn out. Just like how phone service providers demanded the same privileges as cable, wired services will soon demand to be given the same treatment as their wireless counterparts. Then we're all screwed.
He's got his tongue in cheek... BUT WHICH CHEEK?!
Oh no, creepy robot Wayne Brady!
@Kimrod: Well, it actually IS Yoko's fault this time. I don't hold a grudge against her about any of the stuff that happened in the 1960s, because it was before my time. Also, she's an adult and so was John and they had the right to do whatever they pleased. If some horny teens from the time couldn't get in his…
She's a nutty old broad. I remember when she received three hundred Twitter replies AND RESPONDED TO THEM ALL. I bet she drinks perfume with a single plum floating in it from a man's hat, too.
@Mr.P1ckl3s: No. This is too far. Making false accusations about child pornography is worse than murder, because at least with murder, the victim can know peace. There will never be a moment's rest for this man even after his vindication.
@jsocontrer01: Yeah, and Genochowski is more Jar Jar Binks than Han Solo.