
Uh, if the blog is Fuck No Penny Arcade, then the specifics ARE important. The editor calls Penny Arcade's authors "neckbeards" and makes unflattering edits of their comics. The content is incendiary and a calculated effort to spark anger in the comic's fanbase. It's ridiculous to analyze at a microscopic level the

No thanks. I don't hate my readers that much.

@lucyjae: Welcome to Gawker blogs!

Does the BBC have an app for its classic content? I would totally l0ve to watch Red Dwarf on the go.

Aww. Who won the $10,000 gift card?

Remember, it's not really a sport unless the other team can score!

@pastaman44: And there's one rapidly balding butthead that won't let us have them. Thank you, Steve Jerbs!

LegalSounds is REALLY cheap, but the music can sometimes be wonky and you have to pay in $25 increments. Of the major online music retailers, Amazon is definitely my favorite. The five dollar albums are an excellent deal and the selection is fantastic. eMusic was slightly cheaper once, but now that they've made

Hey, Rachael Ray finally found the right audience for her food!

Is that the nerdy kid from Foxtrot?

@realsnickers: No, go nuts. But get me a winning lottery ticket while you're there.

Let me guess... his mother was a big Kellogg fan? And I don't mean the corn flakes.

@Xeno: I was kind of hoping they'd hire a lookalike or maybe his son. Mark Hamill said that his own progeny looks just like HE did in 1977 when the first Star Wars movie was released.

All right, I'll grant that Wikileaks is being enormously irresponsible with its distribution of sensitive information, but a terrorist organization? Leave it to Republicans to brand anything they don't like as a terrorist. You might want to try "sex offender" instead... that's a fearmongering term everyone still

Wait, what?

@Rask: Brilliant observation on Heinlein's part.

I think America could use some Clearasil for those zits. The really big green ones worry me the most... Canada will NEVER go out with him with those hanging off his face!

Maybe those printers can make Jay Leno a three-dimensional sense of humor.

@Runkle: You did not just go there.

"Calm down, Weiner!"