
Hey, I wonder if sprinkling tarragon onto Kotaku would turn it into a respectable gaming blog.

@Indy_aka_Rex: You know, you've got the star already. You don't have to kiss their asses even more.

@rayne117 -: You should go over to Gawker.TV. They hand out stars like Halloween candy, and you don't have to kiss a mod's ass to get them.

@magictroll: Maybe not, if what Accordeon says is true about thin-skinned mods.

@Indy_aka_Rex: And this illustrates the hypocrisy of the common video game blog. They get all the benefits of professional journalists with none of the responsibilities! "We got into E3, a convention strictly reserved for industry insiders and members of the media. Now let's get all TMZ up in a Star Trek actor's

"If I see one more dork calling me 'Geordi,' I swear..."

@TOYBOXX: Does it come in any other flavor?

@wingbatwu: Luke... I've lost the beeps, the sweeps, AND the creeps.


@Ryushi: "I'm afraid I can't let you play that, Dave. Also, I've frozen your family while they were asleep."

@Chewblaha: Nah, you'd just get a large phallus trying to press its lips against the main character's posterior.

@kingcrim84: It bugs me that they just wrote "JAM" on the front of the label. Shouldn't they have used a MAD-style phony company label, like "Schmuckers?"

He looks like James Earl Jones at the first three seconds of a surprise birthday party.

Could this mean the 1980s revival we didn't get in the 2000s? Awesome.

These images look a lot more pixelated than I thought they would be. Kind of disappointed to be honest.

@SporX: Not that they had much competition. Sony, yeesh.

@Grimwood: Dude, no. You should read the article on Cracked called "Five Reasons Gamers Still Aren't Taken Seriously." Coming in at number one was the overwhelming sense of self-entitlement that we as gamers have... the constant demands for everything to be completely awesome, immediately available, and totally

@Xaxir: Well, not as much as his uncle Frank.