
@LeafRunner: Well, it IS rent to own. But geez, if you're going to pay $130 a month for the damn thing, buy one used. I bought my PS3 used and fixed it up for the price of ONE of their payments.

@Paramour: Seriously, knock it off with the self-entitlement. Nintendo doesn't exist to satisfy your every desire. If you don't like that, stop whining and go back to playing Halo Reacharound or whatever.

@Knoxximus Kiryu: The only way he could beat anyone is by infecting him with his lameness! He's like the Dan of old Nintendo characters.

@FUBC: That'd be Yie Ar Kung Fu, and I don't think so. Could be in the Japanese shop, but you'd be better off getting Yie Ar Kung Fu for the Xbox 360... it's the arcade game rather than its watered down NES counterpart.

Lego Conando there needs to get a new suit.

Now the mystery of where the asterisk in the name went will never be solved!

@The_Red: Wait, are you describing LJN or T*HQ?

Geez, I've seen Greek guys with smaller eyebrows.

Weren't a lot of his jokes recycled from a recent episode of Late Show? He just called Leno a "knockwurst" instead of a "boob."

@wheelis: This is exactly what the video game industry DOESN'T need right now, with the Supreme Court considering the merits of mandatory ratings enforcement. Thanks, guys.

@affable.gentleman: They're fun to play IF emulated well, which they aren't. Also, I was able to play 24 minutes of Shaolin's Road on one credit. Man up, homeskillet.

This Game Room experiment has been a huge disaster. Poorly emulated games, distracting avatars, an inability to walk through the arcades you've created... Krome/Beam would be better off just starting from scratch.


Bitchin'! They should jump ahead to the good stuff, though. Mario's Cement Factory and Super Mario Bros. (a remarkably faithful adaptation of the NES game) would be good places to start.

@Datacide: Fair enough, but there's just something horribly wrong when a printer cartridge costs half as much as the printer that takes it. The PRINTER is supposed to be the expensive part, not a plastic square filled with ink!

You can copyright ink. Wow, we really HAVE gotten that greedy as a species.

"The bill singled out games whose violence causes them to 'lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors'"