
What in the ever-loving fuck is he saying? That she catapulted into fame by being cast next to Tom Cruise when he’s a 10 and she’s a 4.5?? I will punch this guy into next month.

Even the walkers are white.

Yeah he was truly annoying. We decided Patrick was one of those cerebral types who avoids feeling anything by “oversharing” instead. But I must admit that the fact that all of the central characters were flawed —even unlikable— was part of what ended up giving the show its bite, and I admire Groff for his willingness

Doris was the best. Lauren Weedman should be in everything.

At its best this show was like nothing else on TV.

I’m actually very grateful for today’s Dirt Bag, if only because I was finally able to recognize that was Nick Young in that famous meme. You’d think since I’m such a basketball fanatic that I would have recognized him. But no, Swaggy is just as forgettable on the court as he is off I guess. Seriously, though-it’s

What a classy statement. “Surreal and fabulous” sounds exactly like what I imagine co-hosting The View would be.

Holy shit. I cannot fathom how fucked up that experience was. Abby can shut the hell up, and I hope you are okay? Internet hugs if you want them.

you’re aware of the difference between giving and receiving, yes? If not, your poor wife.

Honestly, same. I had to be forced away from my abusive ex for a few months before I realized, “Oh god, he might kill me one day.” And I swear to christ the one thing I’ve been thinking this whole time is that this has happened before. I thought a couple of exes of his said he was abusive or at the very least a very

Good for you. I support you from the interwebs!! HahA

I'm sorry you work with people like that

I would even say that people who don’t understand, who have never been abused or close to someone being abused, are one of three things: privileged beyond recognition, fucking stupid or, an abuser.

To be fair, train wrecks can have camera appeal.

Despite the fact that Simmons has, uh, limited camera appeal...

You know what I believe? I believe that Bill Simmons is sick. (Really, look at that close-up. That's not the face of a healthy man.)