
We watch it every week. I think this season is the best it’s been in a few years. Not every sketch is a home run but that’s true of every season. We haven’t watched the Drake episode yet but I heard it was Not Good.

“Does anyone care about Saturday Night Live anymore?” Said the person who read an article about Saturday Night Live, then decided to take the time to make a comment on said article.

“Allow me to introduce you to the liberals who proudly protest the likes of residential density and rail lines.”

Is it bad that my reaction to this video was, “Yasss, please unleash your long-range torpedo on me.”? O_O

I named my car after his character. Sulu is a damned fine car, although I do think I need to get an air freshener in the shape of John Cho’s face.

i’d absolutely bone him in that command chair, no questions asked

I don’t know. I mean the girl has been performing, writing songs, and gettin’ paid for years now, way before she got in front of the camera. I have only heard her speak a couple of times, and she comes off sounding really young, because she is really young. Maybe they should have trained Ms. Trainor a bit on public

Yeah. If you’d kept your hot mess of a husband: Alive, employed, managed, fed and clothed and supported and he KEPT stepping out... I can support her and any woman who says, “enough.”

I lurve you.

She swallowed bleach to get away, I would say that was less "convince" leaders you are suicidal, and more "willing to risk dying to get away" How is there nothing the police/FBI/whoever deals with cults can do?

I agree, but the line that any team from Vanderbilt was going to “take the bus to Erotic City, also known as Knoxville, Tennessee” was pretty insensitive to all the rapists and misogynists that play for those two fine programs.

There is nothing wrong with that sports report. I thought it was rather clever. Or at least as clever as a sports reporter in Chattanooga is going to get. And it was not disrespectful. He wasn’t making fun of Prince. And why fire the guy? What about a suspension? There’s more going on here than meets the eye.

Station management: “I TenneSee What You Did There. Now get out.”

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

Jay got an entire album ripping him to shreds.

Is that what he calls you, his vanilla lemonade! Level, easy? I’LL SAY, you trollop!

On my side of the pond ‘fanny’ means vagina so I was REALLY curious about that dress for a few seconds..

No statement from Rachel Ray yet tho? Suspicious.

It matters not what site you visit or what comment you make, it always ends up in the same political argument. EVERY site, whether for cake baking or crochet merkins, ends up in a political pissing contest these days. The entire world is Gawker Kinja.