
The tantrum will be thrown by the sibling with the adorable resting bitch face. (I hate all babies except him.)

I’m sorry, but I’m also a little proud.

I had no special feels for Kristen before reading this. Now I do.

As a gay man, al the sexual feelings I have for Kristen are very confusing for me.

I am also an unabashed Stew-Stan.


And the people who dedicate Pearl Jam’s cover of Last Kiss to their sweetie on the radio. The girl dies. That’s the point.

I would put “you’ve really got a hold on me “in the same category.

I long for the heady days of Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen’s romantic chemistry.

I started getting mocked for being gay in the second grade, before I even knew what “gay” was. To cope, I learned

You guys, I have been VERY impressed with the cunt puns lately! Well done, all.

Aww. I would have ended this post with

Beth’s death contributed to you being out?! Damn! I was THRILLED when she died!

LOL! I guess Abraham was just a practice shot.. Glenn was the actual kill.. Negan should change his name to Uncle Phil...

Cusack has a dead look in his eyes. Watch him fight Benny Urquidez in Grosse Point Blank.. Choreographed or not, he is very clearly trained and capable of staying cool in a fight.

Fun fact: Daniel Day-Lewis lived off the grid as a badass for six years to convincingly portray an ageing badass for the twilight of his acting career.

“On this very night, ten years ago, I saw the worst accident I ever seen...”